Sunday, August 31, 2014

Past Perfect Tense in Urdu


Past perfect tense wo hy jis say ye pata chalta hy k koi kaam maazi me puura ho chuka tha, kr liya gaya tha, ho gaya tha. Is me waqt ka dorania nhi aata k wo kaam kitni dayr se ho raha tha ya kitni dayr me huwa, jese, subah se, 2 ghantay se , mangal se, wagerah wagerah. Haan is me aap ye keh saktay hain k, "subah me kiya gaya tha, raat me kiya gaya tha, kal kiya gaya tha" wagerah wagerah.

Signs of Past Perfect Tense in Urdu:

Past perfect tense ki Urdu me alamat ye hy k aakhir me:
چکا تھا، چکی تھی، چکے تھے، یہ کر دیا تھا، وہ کر دیا تھا، یہ ہو گیا تھا، وہ ہو گیا تھا aata hy.

Example sentences:

1. .کیا تم نے اپنا ہوم ورک پورا کر لیا ہے؟ میں نے صبح اپنا ہوم ورک پورا کر لیا تھا
2. .میں وہ فلم دو مرتبہ دیکھ چکا تھا. اسی لئے میں انکے ساتھ نہیں گیا
3. .میں اسے بتا چکا تھا./ میں نے اسے بتا دیا تھا
4. .ہم نے گاری خرید لی تھی./ ہم گاری خرید چکے تھے.
5. .وہ جا چکے تھے./ وہ چلے گئے تھے
6. .وہ اپریل میں مر گیا تھا
7. .اسنے اس سے اسکی بیوی کے بارے میں پھُوچ لیا تھا
8. کیا تم نے اسے کافی لا دی تھی؟ 


1. Have you completed your homework? "I had completed my homework in the morning."
2. I had seen the movie twice. That's why I didn't go with them.
3. I had told him.
4. We had bought a T-shirt.
5. They had gone.
6. He had died in April.
7. She had asked him about his wife.
8. Had you brought him coffee? 

meanwhile: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adverb)
1. while something else is happening; in the meantime / [tab tak تب تک; is doran (jab kuch ho raha hy) / اس اثنا میں  is asna me ]
2. in the period of time between two events; in the meantime / [is doran اس دوران / is arsa me اس عرصہ میں  ]

Example Sentences with "Meanwhile"
1. The results well be announced soon. Meanwhile, please remain quiet.
2. Cook the rice on low heat. Meanwhile, start boiling the water for tea.
3. You set the table, and meanwhile, I'll start making dinner.

camera: Urdu meaning (noun)

a device used to take pictures; Canon is an example of camera
1. I have a 8 mega pixel camera.

cafe: Urdu meaning (noun)

cafe / a small restaurant where you can buy drinks and simple meals
1. We both had coffee at the cafe.

Related entries:
restaurant: (noun)

buy: Urdu meaning

#buy, #buys, #buying, #bought
Definitions: (verb)
1. to get something by paying money for it / [khareedna]
2. to be able or enough to get something by paying money / [khareed sakna]
3. to believe or accept something, especially something that is not likely to be true
4. to get something by losing something else of great value
5. to give someone something, especially money, for doing something dishonest or wrong for you / [kisi ko khareedna]

Example Sentences:
1. My old TV is broken. So, I'm going to buy a new one.
2. Money can't buy love.
3. He can't be bought.
4. They bought freedom at the cost of many lives.

but: Urdu meaning (conjunction)

1. despite this; yet / lekin phir bhi
2. except / excluding / magar
3. used to introduce something which contrasts with what you have just said: on the contrary/ lekin
4. used at the beginning of a sentence that shows that you are surprised, shocked, annoyed, etc. / pr / lekin
5. used with a repeated word for emphasizing it 
1. They lost the match but they played very well. (1)
2. He did not come, but his father came. (3)
3. There is no God but Allah. (2)
4. He is tired but happy. (1)
5. But he promised me to come. (5)

Related entries:
but: (adverb)
but: (preposition)
but: (noun)

brown: Urdu meaning (noun)

badaami rang / bhuura rang / khaaki rang /  (color) having the color of coffee, chocolate, or earth
1. The bicycle's color is brown.
2. The room was decorated in brown.

Related entries:
brown: (verb)
brown: (adjective)

brush, brushing, brushed: (verb) Urdu and English meaning

#brush, #brushing, #brushed
1. to touch someone or something quickly and lightly or carelessly while moving close to them
2. to use a brush to clean, polish, paint something, or make something smooth / [brush se saaf krna]
3. to remove something from a surface with a brush or with a quick movement of your hand, fingers, etc.
4. to put a liquid such a oil, milk, etc.onto something using a brush
5. to apply a liquid to a surface using a brush

Example Sentences:
1. I'm brushing my teeth.
2. I brush my teeth twice a day.
3. She brushed away a tear.
4. He brushed the dirt off his pants.
5. He brushed past her.

Related Entries:brush: (noun)

brush: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. (singular) an act of brushing or cleaning something with a brush
2. (Tools) a device made of bristles, stiff hairs, wires, etc, set into a firm back or handle: used to apply paint, clean or polish surfaces, groom the hair, etc
3. (uncountable) small bushes and trees that cover an area of land
4. (uncountable) branches that have broken off bushes and trees
5. (singular) a quick, light touch made by chance when two things or people pass each other:6. the tail of a fox

Example Sentences:

1. My tooth brush is broken. I'll buy a new one tomorrow.
2. a toothbrush
3. a paintbrush
4. He gave his hair a brush.

Related Entries:brush: (verb)

newly: Urdu meaning

Definition: (adverb)
recently / [ نیا نیا naya naya ]

Example Sentences:

1. a newly published book
[nai nai shaya ki gai kitab]
2. a newly married couple
[naya naya shadi shudah jora]
3. a newly formed group
[naya naya tashkeel diya groh]
4. a newly qualified engineer
5. a newly born baby (1)
[نوزائیدہ no'zaidah bachcha / نومولود no'molood bachcha ]

6. a newly-wed couple
[نوبیاہتا جوڑا no'biyahta jora / نیا جوڑا naya jora / woh jora jis ki nai nai shadi huwi ho)]

7. newly-wed
[no'biyahta / no'biyahi (jis ki haal hi me shadi huwi ho)]

new: Urdu meaning

#new, #newer, #newest
Definitions: (adjective)
1. if something is new it means it does not exist before and is recently built, created, introduced, invented, etc.
2. the new: (uncountable) something that is new
3. recently bought, obtained, rented etc.
4. not used by anyone before
5. to be at a place for the first time
6. different from the previous one
7. recently added to an existing group, organization, etc.

Example Sentences:
1. a new film (1)
2. I'm new here. (2)
3. a new friend (6)
4. She was wearing her new dress at the party. (4)
5. a new car (4)
6. a new girlfriend (6)
7. a new job (6)
8. This is our new team member. (7)

brother: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. a male who has one or both of the same parents as you / [bhai]
2. a male member of a group with the same interests, religion, profession, etc. as you / [bhai]
3. (informal) used to mean a black man, especially by African-Americans
4. (brothers or brethren: plural) a male member of a religious group, especially a monk: / [bhai]
5. used as a title to address someone / [bhaiya, bhai jaan]
Example Sentences:
1. Salman khan and Albaaz khan are brothers.
2. Do you have brothers and sisters?
3. My brother, please try to understand his position.
4. Brother, do you have a lighter?

break: Urdu meaning

#break, #breaks, #breaking, #broke, #broken, #go broke

#break, #breaks, #breaking, #broke, #broken
1.Definitions: (verb)
1. to make something separate into two or more parts, often in a sudden and forceful or violent way / [torna / kisi cheez ka toot jana]
2. (of a machine, etc.) to stop working because of being damaged or to cause something to stop working by damaging it
3. to fail to keep a law, rule, or promise / [(usuul, qanoon, ya wada) torna]

2.Definitions: (adjective)
1. (informal) having no money [kangla]
2. #go broke: if a company or business goes broke, it stops operating because it has no money : to lose all your money : to go bankrupt / [diwalia nikal jana / kangla ho jana]

Example Sentences:
1. He is scared of his mom because he has broken a glass. (1.1)
2. The window broke into pieces. (1.1)
3. She fell off her bicycle and broke her leg.

4. Can you lend me Rs. 1000? Sorry, I'm broke. (2.1)

bridge: Urdu meaning

Definition: (noun)
a structure built over something, such as a river, road, railway, or the like, so that people or vehicles can get across / [pul]

Example Sentences:
1. We had to cross the bridge to get across.
2. a railway bridge

breakfast: Urdu meaning (noun)

the first meal of the day that you eat in the morning / naashta
1. I have breakfast at 8.
2. I drink tea after breakfast.

Related entries:
breakfast: (verb)
lunch: (noun)
dinner: (noun)
supper: (noun)

bowl: Urdu meaning (noun)

1. a deep, wide, round container that is open at the top, especially used for holding liquid, keeping fruit, serving food, etc. / piyaala
2. the amount of something contained in a bowl (also bowlful) / piyala (phar koi cheez)
3. a part of something that is shaped like a bowl / piyala
4. a large stadium or theater that is shaped like a bowl
1. How many bowls do you have?
2. a toilet bowl
3. the bowl of a spoon

Related entries:
bowl: (verb)

bookstore: Urdu meaning

Definition: (noun)
a store where books are sold / [wo dukaan jahan kitabain bechi jati hain]
Example Sentences:
1. The bookstore is open day and night.

many: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (pronoun, determiner)
1. (used with plural nouns) a large number of people or things,  (especially used in negative sentences, questions, and with "too", "so", and "as")
2. the many: most people

Example Sentences:
1. I have read many book.
2. I don't have many clothes.
3. There are too many mistakes in your essay.

past: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adjective)
1. a time that has gone by recently / [pichlay]
2. gone by in time and no longer existing / [jo guzar gaya ho]
3. having happened or existed before the present time / [maazi ka]

Example Sentences:1. The bad times are past now. (2)
2. She has been working for us for the past few months. (1)
3. past events/experience (3)

probe, probing, probed: (verb) Urdu and English meaning

#probe, #probing, #probed
1. to try to find out secrets or hidden information about someone or something that other people do not want you to know by asking questions in a careful and indirect way / [chaan been krna / khoj lagana / tehqeeq krna] 
2. if a doctor or dentist probes, they uses a long instrument to examine a part of a patient's body

Example Sentences:
1. to probe one's conscience
2. You have no right to probe into my personal life.
3. Police are probing a watchman's murder.

Related Entries:

probe: (noun)

Past Continuous Tense in Urdu


Past Continuous Tense wo hy jis se ye pata chalta hy k koi kaam maazi me ho raha tha, kiya ja raha tha, lekin is baat ka pata chalta k wo kaam khatam bhi huwa ya nhi, our na hi ye pata chalta hy k kitni dayr se wo kaam ho raha tha, bss ho raha tha

Signs of Past Continuous Tense in Urdu:

Past Continuous Tense ki alamat ye hy k aakhir me
رہا تھا، رہی تھی، رہے تھے aata hy.

Example Sentences:

1. .میں جا رہا تھا
2. .وہ کھیل رہا تھا
3. .وہ لکھ رہی تھی
4. .وہ دور رہے تھے
5. .ہم ریڈیو سن رہے تھے
6. .میں ٹی وی دیکھ رہا تھا 
7. کیا بارش ہو رہی تھی؟
8. .بارش ہو رہی تھی
9. .بارش نہی ہو رہی تھی


1. I was going
2. He was playing.
3. She was writing.
4. They were running.
5. We were listening to the radio.
6. I was watching TV.
7. Was it raining?
8. It was raining.
9. It was not raining.

Kuch samajh aaya?
Kitna aasaam hy!

Past Simple Tense in Urdu


We use the Past Simple tense to talk about something that happened in
the past/ Past Simple Tense woh hy jis se ye pata chalta hy k koi kaam
maazi me huwa ya hota raha, pr ab ya mustaqbil me hoga ya nhi hoga is
ka hamay ilm nhi.

Past Simple Structure in English:

Subject  +  2nd form of verb +  Object
      I         +        played            +  cricket (example)
      I         +          ate                +  mango.  (example)

Signs of Past Simple:

1. Second form is used/ Past simple me verb is second form istamal
    hoti hy.
eg. I write a letter. I wrote a letter. (Mene khat likha. )
2. When we make a question we use "did", and first form of verb is used
    istead of second form of verb/ Past Simple me sawaal bananay k liye
    "did" istamal kiya jata hy, our second form k badlay first form istamal
    ki jati hy.
eg. Did you lived abroad? Did you live abroad?
                (Kiya tum bahir rehte thay)
3. In negative sentences, "didn't/did not" is used./ Mnnfi jumlo me
    "didn't/did notistamal kiya jata hy.
eg. I did not drink tea. ( Mene cha'ay nhi pee.)
4. Whenever "did" is used in Past Simple, first form of verb is used
    instead of second form.
eg. Did you lived abroad?/Did you live abroad?(Kiya tum bahir rehte thay?)
      I did not drank tea.    /  I did not drink tea.  (Mene cha'ay nhi pee.)
      I did not knew him. /   I did not know him. (May ussay nhi jaanta tha.)

blue: Urdu meaning (noun)

the color of the sky on a clear sunny day / neela
1. My favorite color is blue.
2. Blue is my favorite color.

book: Urdu meaning (noun)

1. a set of pages that have been fastened together inside a cover so that you can turn them and read them / kitaab
2. a set of pages that have been fastened together inside a cover and used to write in
3.  a written work that is publishedeither as printed pages inside a cover or electronically
1. a very expensive book
2. an exercise book
3. a book about life in America

Related entries:
book: (verb)

disperse: Urdu meaning

#disperse, #disperse, #dispersing #dispersed
Definitions: (verb)
1. if a crow of people disperses or is dispersed, they move apart and go in different directions / [muntashir krna ya ho jana]
2. to spread or to make something spread in different directions over a wide area

Example Sentences:
1. The crowd began to disperse.
[Hujuum muntashir hona shuru ho gaya.]
2. The police used tear gas to disperse the protesters.
3. The clouds dispersed as quickly as they had gathered.

blanket: Urdu meaning (noun)

&blanket: (sin) &blanket: (pl)
kambal / 
1. a large piece of thick cloth, often of soft wool, used especially on beds to keep people warm
2. a similar piece of fabric used as a covering for a horse, dog, etc.
3. a thick layer that covers or enclose something

1. a blanket of snow
2. She wrapped herself in a blanket.
3. The mud disappeared under a blanket of snow.

Related entries:
blanket: (adjective)
blanket: (verb)

throw: Urdu meaning

#throw, #throws, #throwing, #thew, #thrown
Definitions: (verb)
1. to send something with force through the air by a quick movement of the arm and hand / [phaykna]
2. throw something open: to open something that was closed, usually suddenly
3. throw something open: to allow people to enter or become involved in an event:
4. to put something in a particular place or position in a quick and careless way
5. (of a horse) to make the rider fall onto the ground
6. (in a fight) to make you opponent fall to the ground
7. to roll a dice or let it fall after shaking it in order to obtain a particular number
8. to move your body or a part of your body quickly or suddenly with force into a particular position or place
9. to make someone or something be in a particular state

Example Sentences:
1. He picked up some dirt and threw it on Salmaan.
2. I threw my arms around Jean and kissed her.
3. He threw a handful of money onto the table.
4. Let's see who can throw the ball furthest.

belt: Urdu meaning (noun)

&belt: (sin) &belts: (pl)
1. a narrow piece of leather, cloth etc that is worn around the waist / patta
2. a band that runs around wheels or other parts in a machine and that is used for moving or carrying something / patta
3. a large area of land that has particular features or where particular people live
4. an area of land where there is a particular industryactivity etc
1. to fasten a belt
2. a belt of trees

Related entries:
belt: (verb)

black: Urdu meaning (noun)

1. (uncountable) the color of coal or of the sky on a very dark night / kaala
2.  a member of a race of people who have dark skin
1. I colored my car black.
2. She was dressed in black.

Related entries:
black: (adjective)

bicycle: Urdu meaning (noun)

&bicycle: (sin) &bicycle: (pl)
(also bike: informal) a vehicle with two wheels which you ride by sitting on it and pushing its two pedals with your feet / cycle
1. I go to school on my bicycle.

Related entries:
bicycle: (verb)

sock: Urdu meaning (noun)

&sock: (sin) &socks: (pl)
a piece of clothing that your wear over your foot, ankle, or lower part of your leg to cover it
1. a pair of socks
2. Your socks smell bad.

Related entries:
sock: (verb)

bedroom: Urdu meaning (noun)

a room, usually with a bed, that you sleep in
1. Last night I had to sleep outside because my bedroom was locked.

Related entries:
bedroom: (verb)

bed: Urdu meaning (noun)

&bed: (sin) &beds: (pl)
1. a piece of furniture for sleeping on
1. I don't have a bed to sleep on. I sleep on the floor.

grandmother: Urdu meaning (noun)

the mother of your father or mother
1. I love my grandmother a lot.

Related entries:
grandfather: (noun)

dirt: Urdu meaning (noun)

1. any substance that makes something dirty such as mud or dust/ dhuul mitti /gard o gubaar
2. the earth on the ground especially when it is dusty
3. (informal) solid waste
1. His pants were covered in dirt.
2. The children were playing in the dirt. (2)
3. dog dirt (3)

dirty: Urdu meaning

#dirty, #dirtier, #dirtiest
Definitions: (adjective)
1. unclean / [ganda]
2. connected with sex in a way that is indecent and offensive / [ganda / behudah]
3. unfair, immoral, or dishonest
4. used for emphasizing how bad someone or something is
5. not bright; dull

Example Sentences:
1. Wash your hands. They are dirty.
2. dirty jokes/language
3. She is a dirty liar.
4. Politics is a dirty business.

because: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (conjunction) give a reason for doing something; for the reason that /
[kyun k]
2. because of: [ki waja se]

Example Sentences:
1. I did't go to school today because I'm visiting my grandmother. (1)
[Me aaj school nahi gaya kyun k me apni dadi se milne ja raha hoon.]
2. I screamed because I was afraid. (1)
[Me is liye chillaya kyun k mujhay dar lag raha tha.]

3. Because of you I'm still alive. (2)
[Me tumhari waja se ab tak zindah hoon.]

bathroom: Urdu meaning (noun)

a room with a sink and toilet and sometimes a bathtub or shower/ gusal khana /
1. Where is the bathroom? It's on the right.

ball: Urdu meaning (noun)

&ball: (sin) &balls: (pl)
a round shaped object especially used for playing cricket, tennis, etc. / gaynd / 
1. He hit the ball very hard.

Related entries:
ball: (verb)

bakery: Urdu meaning (noun)

&bakery: (noun)
the place where bread, pastries, and cakes are baked, or the shop where they are sold
1. The bakery is open day and night.

Related entries:
bake: (verb)
baker: (noun)

smell: Urdu meaning (n)

Definitions: (verb)
1. (countable) the act of smelling
2. the pleasant or unpleasant quality of something that you can sense when you breathe in through your nose / [bu / khushbu ya badbu]
3. (singular) an unpleasant smell / [badbu]

4. (singular, uncountable) the ability to notice or recognize smells with the nose; to ability to smell things / [soonghne ki hiss]

Example Sentences:
1. Dogs have a very strong sense of smell. (4)
2. What is that smell? (3)
3. a smell of fresh bread (2)

click here for example sentences for Smell with Roman Urdu translation at

Related Words:
smell: (verb)

smell: Urdu meaning (v)

#smell, #smells, #smelling, #smelled
Definitions: (verb)
1. to have a particular smell that others can notice with their noses / [buu aana]
2. to notice or recognize a particular smell with you nose / [kisi trah ki buu ko pehchaanna]3. to have an strong unpleasant or bad smell
4. to put your nose close to something and breathe it so that you can experience and discover its smell / [suunghna]

Example Sentences:
1. The socks smell bad. (1)
2. The flowers smell good. (1)
3. What are you doing? "I'm smelling the flowers." (4)
4. I smelled the meat to see if it was fresh. (4)
5. Can you smell something burning? (2)

click here for example sentences for Smell with Roman Urdu translation

Related Words:
smell: (noun)

flour: Urdu meaning

Definition: (noun)
a fine white or brown powder made by sifting and grinding the grains of a grass, especially wheat, that is used in cooking for making bread, cakes, pasta, etc. / [آٹا aata]

Example Sentences:
1. Bread is made from flour
2. wheat flour
[gehoon ka aata]

Related Words:

wheat: Urdu meaning

Definition: (noun)
a plant that produces yellowish-brown grain used to make flour for making breads, cakes, cookies, etc. or the grain of this plant itself / [گندم gandum ka poda ya gandum ka dana / گیہوں gehoon

Example Sentences:
1. wheat flour
[gandum ka aata]

Related Words:

floor, floors: (noun) Urdu and English meaning

#floor: (sin) #floors: (pl)
1. the surface of a room on which one stands or walks / [farsh]
2. a level or story of a building / [mala / manzil]
3. the area of ground at the bottom surface of the sea, a cave, a forest, a river, etc.
4. (also floorboard) the bottom surface of a vehicle
5. a flat bottom surface in or on any structure

Example Sentences:
1. the ocean/forest floor
2. The found the pen lying on the floor.

Related Entries:

floor: (verb)

apple, apples: (noun) Urdu and English meaning

#apple: (sin) #apples: (pl)
a hard round fruit with shiny red, green, or yellow skin and is white inside / [saynb]

Example Sentences:
1. An apple a day keeps a man perfect.

Related Entries:

an apple of one's eye: (idiom)

bark: Urdu meaning

#bark, #barks, #barking, #barked
Definitions: (verb)
1. when a dog barks, it makes a short loud sound / [kuttay ka bho'nkna]
2. (of a person, gun, etc) to make a similar loud harsh sound
3. to shout or say something to someone in a loud and angry way

Example Sentences:

1. My dog barks at everyone.
2. He barked an order.

above: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (preposition)
1. at a higher place or position than something, or directly over it / [uuper]
2. of higher quality or of more importance than someone or something
3. more in quantity,number, or higher in authority, level, rank, age, or power than someone or something

Example Sentences:
1. My bedroom is above the kitchen. (1)
2. The plane was flying above the clouds. (1)
3. She is above 80. (3)

dog: (noun) Urdu and English meaning

#dog: (sin) #dogs: (pl)
1. a four-legged animal with a tail that is often kept as a pet, for guarding buildings, or for hunting / [kutta]
2. (none polite) an offensive word meaning an unattractive woman

Example Sentences:
1. Dogs have a very strong sense of smell.
2. Why your dog keeps barking at me?

Related Entries:dog: (verb)
puppy: (noun)

baby: Urdu meaning

#baby, #babies
Definitions: (noun)
1. an infant or a very young child who hasn't yet learned to speak and walk / [bachcha ya bachchi]
2. a very young animal / [chota bachcha (janwar ka)]
3. (informal) the youngest member of a group or family
4. (offensive) a girl or woman, especially an attractive one / [bachchi]
5. (slang) a lover or sweetheart (such as your wife, husband, etc.)

Example Sentences:
1. a newly born baby (1)
[نوزائیدہ no'zaidah bachcha / نومولود no'molood bachcha ]
2. a 2 days old baby (1)
[2 din ka bachcha]
3. She is the baby of my family. (3)

door: (noun) Urdu and English meaning

#door: (sin) #doors: (pl)
1. a movable piece of wood, glass, or metal that swings or slides open and shut so that people can get in and get out of a room, building, car, etc. / [darwaza]
2. used to refer to the distance from one building in a row to another:
3. the space in a wall when a door is open; a doorway

1. Who is knocking at the door?
2. Please open the door!
3. I walked in the door.
4. a car/house/ door
5. Don't forget to lock the door after you.

pretty: (adjective) Urdu and English meaning

1. (especially of a woman or a girl) nice looking and attractive in a delicate way / payaari
2. attractive and pleasant to look at or to listen to without being impressive

Example Sentences:
1. She looks so pretty in this dress.
2. a pretty dress

Related Entries:
pretty: (adverb)

pretty: (adverb) Urdu and English meaning

khasa/ kafi had tak

1. I'm pretty sure he'll come.

under: (preposition) Urdu and English meaning

1. in or to a lower place or position than something; below something / [neechay]
2. beneath the surface of something
3. according to (a law, system, etc.)
4. less than; lower than
5. in a particular state or condition; in the process of:
6. controlled, governed, or manged by

Example Sentences:
1. Where are my shoes? "They are under the bed."
2. The building is under construction.
3. under the gound
4. Under-19 cricket world cup

Related Entries:
under: (adverb)
under: (adjective)
beneath: (preposition)
underneath: (preposition)

house: (noun) Urdu and English meaning

1. a building for living in, usually one family lives in a house / [ghar]
2. the house: (singular) all the people who live in a house; household / [ghar walay]
3. a building for any purpose such as for keeping animals, storing things, holding meetings, etc.
4. a theater, concert hall, or auditorium
5. a specific kind of restaurant
6. the audience in a theater or concert hall

Example Sentences:
1. They live in a big house. (1)
2. a seafood house (5)
3. a guest house (1)
4. I knocked the door but no one responded. I think the whole house was sleeping. (2)
5. a hen house(3)

Related Entries:

house: (verb)

Saturday, August 30, 2014

apartment: Urdu meaning

Definition: (noun)
a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building; a flat / [makaan]

Example Sentences:
1. I live in apartment 2.
2. We used to live in a big house, but due to financial problems, we had to move in this apartment.

in addition: Urdu meaning

#in addition
Definition: (phrase)
used to add another piece of information to something (in addition to something) / [is se hat kr / is k ilawa ye bhi / is k saath saath]

Example Sentences:
1. In addition to Urdu and Sindhi, she speaks English.
2. In addition to this flat, I have another big house in Multan.

addition: (noun) Urdu and English meaning

1. (uncountable) the process of adding numbers or amounts together to make a total / [jama]
2. a thing that is added to something else / [izafa]
3. a wing, room, etc., that is added to a building.
4. (uncountable) the act of adding something to something else

Example Sentences:
1. addition and subtraction
2. They were very happy with the new addition to their family.
3. The latest addition of the book will be published a month later.

Related Entries:in addition: (idiom)
add: (verb)

stuff: (noun) Urdu and English meaning

Definitions: (uncountable)
1. (informal) used to refer to a substance, material, groups of objects, etc.when you do not know what they are called, when it is not important to say exactly what they are, or when it is obvious what you are talking about / [cheez / samaan]
2. the material that something is made of / [samaan]
3. (informal) the things that belong to a particular person or activity or in a particular place
4. (informal) used to speak in a general way about something that is talked about, written about, etc.
5. the most necessary, important, or typical part of something / [cheez]

Example Sentences:
1. I put my stuff in the store room. (3)
2. This stuff looks very expensive. (1)
3. I don't know how he can eat that stuff! (1)
4. I found some fascinating stuff in this book. (4)

Related Entries:stuff: (verb)

animal: (noun) Urdu and English meaning

#animal: (sin) #animals: (pl)
1. a creature other than fish, birds, insects, or humans / [janwar]
2. any living creature , including people
3. any living thing other than a human or a plant / [janwar]
4. (informal) a person who behaves in a very violent, cruel, or rude way / [janwar]

Example Sentences:
1. All cats are animals, but all animals are not cats. (1)
2. That man is an animal! (4)
3. I can't stand cruelty to animals of any sort. (3)

Related Entries:animal: (verb)