Sunday, August 31, 2014

brush: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. (singular) an act of brushing or cleaning something with a brush
2. (Tools) a device made of bristles, stiff hairs, wires, etc, set into a firm back or handle: used to apply paint, clean or polish surfaces, groom the hair, etc
3. (uncountable) small bushes and trees that cover an area of land
4. (uncountable) branches that have broken off bushes and trees
5. (singular) a quick, light touch made by chance when two things or people pass each other:6. the tail of a fox

Example Sentences:

1. My tooth brush is broken. I'll buy a new one tomorrow.
2. a toothbrush
3. a paintbrush
4. He gave his hair a brush.

Related Entries:brush: (verb)

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