Sunday, August 31, 2014

smell: Urdu meaning (v)

#smell, #smells, #smelling, #smelled
Definitions: (verb)
1. to have a particular smell that others can notice with their noses / [buu aana]
2. to notice or recognize a particular smell with you nose / [kisi trah ki buu ko pehchaanna]3. to have an strong unpleasant or bad smell
4. to put your nose close to something and breathe it so that you can experience and discover its smell / [suunghna]

Example Sentences:
1. The socks smell bad. (1)
2. The flowers smell good. (1)
3. What are you doing? "I'm smelling the flowers." (4)
4. I smelled the meat to see if it was fresh. (4)
5. Can you smell something burning? (2)

click here for example sentences for Smell with Roman Urdu translation

Related Words:
smell: (noun)

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