Sunday, August 31, 2014

house: (noun) Urdu and English meaning

1. a building for living in, usually one family lives in a house / [ghar]
2. the house: (singular) all the people who live in a house; household / [ghar walay]
3. a building for any purpose such as for keeping animals, storing things, holding meetings, etc.
4. a theater, concert hall, or auditorium
5. a specific kind of restaurant
6. the audience in a theater or concert hall

Example Sentences:
1. They live in a big house. (1)
2. a seafood house (5)
3. a guest house (1)
4. I knocked the door but no one responded. I think the whole house was sleeping. (2)
5. a hen house(3)

Related Entries:

house: (verb)

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