English is an excellent second language to learn, whether it's for business, travel or personal reasons. Learning any new language requires hard work, commitment and a willingness to make mistakes -- and English is no different.
Start with the following helpful guidelines on how to learn and improve your English language.

1. Be Confident
If you want to improve your English, first you need to be confident in your abilities.

2. Do't Waster Time Studying Grammar
A baby doesn't need to learn grammar for learning its mother tongue. What the baby listens, it repeats it. Babies learn their mother tongue slowly. First they learn to listen. Then they learn to speak. Finally, they can read and write. You can also follow babies rules for learning a language.
But remember! you are not a baby.

3. Don't Translate into English
Don't try to make sentences in your native language and then translate them into English. But rather try to translate English sentences into your native language. Think in English to improve your fluency. Talk to yourself... but not on the bus otherwise people will think you have gone crazy!

4. New Words with Example Sentences
Do you know tons of vocabulary but have no idea how to use the words? Always learn a new word by using it in a sentence rather than the word on its own. Try learning phrases or whole sentences to give you a fuller understanding of their meaning.

5. Don't Be Afraid to Make Mistakes
The biggest obstacle that stands in the way of learning a new language is the fear of making mistakes. This fear serves no purpose -- it is merely a hindrance that prevents you from reaching your goal of fluency.
Don't think that people will laugh at you if you make mistakes. Even native English speakers sometimes make mistakes. So, take this thought out of your mind -- it's all part of learning process. 
Making mistakes is very important because you can see which areas you need to work on. The key is to not to make the same mistakes again and again. And remember! the more you make mistakes, the more you learn. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you make them.

6. Speak in English
Speak a little English every day. The more you speak English, the more you will gain confidence.

7. Watch English Movies.
Listen to English every day. To listen to English, watching English movies could be the best way. Watching English movies is a great and fun way to improve and experience real-life English and pick up new vocabulary. If you are a beginner, pick movies that you have already seen or movies that you are already familiar with, such as children's cartoons, animated movies, or blockbuster films -- this will make the exercise feel like less of a chore. If you already know the basic story, you will find the language much easier to pick up on.
Watch DVDs rather than TV. It’s better to use something that you can watch over again to catch information you might have missed the first time. Turn on the English subtitles so you can read along as you listen. Don't hesitate to pause and replay the sections you don't understand so you can catch everything.

8. Keep an English Dictionary with You
Use an English to English dictionary as it will help you to keep thinking in English and not translating. As a beginner, you should should start with an English dictionary that provides definitions in your native language. However, once your language skills improve, you should switch to using an English to English dictionary, which provides English definitions for English words.

9. Read English Books, Newspapers, Magazine, etc.
Reading is an essential part of learning a new language, so don't forget to practice! You can start with children's storybooks. Again, make an active effort to actually understand what you're reading, don't just skim over it. Highlight any words or phrases that you don't understand, then look them up in the dictionary. If you're alone, try to read aloud -- this will allow you to improve your reading comprehension while also working on your pronunciation. Reading aloud is a great way to improve your English speaking. Even if you make mistakes, reading aloud will help you to speak English more easily. Even if you don't understand all the words, it will still give your mouth and brain practice in speaking English words, and you will find that you can form sentences more easily and quickly when you are really speaking English.

10. Practice More and More.
Practice English every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. Establish a routine. The more you practice, the more you will gain confidence in your English speaking abilities. An excellent way to practice English (and enjoy it!) is to join online English discussion groups.

11. Make Most Effective Use of Your Time:
To make the most effective use of your time, you should spend all of your time either listening or reading. This is the fastest and most efficient method for speaking English fluently. You must listen constantly to English. You must read constantly.

12. Engage in a Conversation on Facebook with Friends Who Post in English
When you have English speakers in your timeline, you see their posts daily and get inside information about news and viral videos in English. Your friends can be your teachers! Their timeline basically sort out the best material for you to study.

13. Don't Hesitate to Ask for Help.
If you don’t understand something, you've got to ask someone. Ask your teacher, classmates or friends for help. Don't be shy.

14. Stay Motivated. 
When learning any new language, it is important to stay motivated and never give up on your goal of fluency. Stay committed to your language-learning goal by reminding yourself of how badly you want to achieve it. Think of all of the amazing experiences and opportunities that will be available to you once you've mastered English language. You will be able to converse with English speakers from across the world and develop new and exciting relationships, you will be able to engage with English-speaking culture like never before and potentially further your career as a result of your new language skills.

15. Review! Review! Review!
Make sure that you keep a little book where you write English phrases and sentences whenever you learn them. When you have some free time, please review what you have learnt so far.

I hope these guidelines will be helpful for you. I hope that if you use these guidelines, your English will improve quickly.

All the best with your English study!


  1. I agree with the tip of not trying too hard to imitate the way of speaking. Aside from it's annoying, I think it will just blow their chances. Thanks for sharing.

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  2. English teachers is very important to the students in order for them to have a fluent mind in using English language that would help them to have an effective communication to the foreigners.

    important ESL skills

  3.  I appreciate language learning experiences. The fact that i read so much, and so profoundly, demonstrates the high level of your English. 

    English learning

  4. Learning a new language effortlessly can be a unique experience for the learners, as it takes lots of patience and hard work to get adopted with an acquired language.

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  5. actually english is spoken throughout the world because it is one of the most important languages and alot of countries make thier students learn it. i dont know why english is that hard to learn(probably because there are a lot of different meanings for one word) but as a native english speaker it seems easy.

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