Sunday, August 31, 2014

throw: Urdu meaning

#throw, #throws, #throwing, #thew, #thrown
Definitions: (verb)
1. to send something with force through the air by a quick movement of the arm and hand / [phaykna]
2. throw something open: to open something that was closed, usually suddenly
3. throw something open: to allow people to enter or become involved in an event:
4. to put something in a particular place or position in a quick and careless way
5. (of a horse) to make the rider fall onto the ground
6. (in a fight) to make you opponent fall to the ground
7. to roll a dice or let it fall after shaking it in order to obtain a particular number
8. to move your body or a part of your body quickly or suddenly with force into a particular position or place
9. to make someone or something be in a particular state

Example Sentences:
1. He picked up some dirt and threw it on Salmaan.
2. I threw my arms around Jean and kissed her.
3. He threw a handful of money onto the table.
4. Let's see who can throw the ball furthest.

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