Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

What is Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

Past perfect continuous tense is used to talk about an ongoing past action or situation that continued for a long time in the past.

Example Sentences:

It had been raining since morning.
He had been sleeping for 10 hours.
She has been playing since evening.
They have been watching the movie for 2 hours.
The girls had been quarreling over the toy for half an hour
when we arrived home.
The road was wet because it had been raining. (for a long time)
If it hadn't been raining, we would have gone to the park.

Structure of Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

Subject + had been + 3rd form of verb + since/for....   .
He + had been + studying + since morning.
Subject + had not been + 3rd form of verb + since/for....   .
She + had not been + playing + for 3 hours.
Had + subject + been + 3rd form of verb + since/for... ?
Had + she + been + running + for 1 hour?

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