Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Future Continuous Tense

What is Future Continuous Tense: What does it tell us?

Future continuous tense is used to talk about future actions in process, i.e. ongoing actions in future.
It is also used to talk about something that is happening now, but you are not sure about what someone is doing or what is happening. You guess what someone is doing or what is going on.

Example Sentences:
* Don't phone him, he will be sleeping. (He thinks that he is sleeping)
* What she will be doing? "She will be cooking." (He thinks that she is cooking)
* What are you doing in the afternoon. "I'll be studying."
* I'll be going to school.
* I'll be eating.

Structure of Future Continuous Tense:

Subject + will + be + ing form of verb .......    .
Subject + will + be + ing form of verb ......    .
Will + subject + be + ing form of verb .....   .
Negative Interrogative:
Will + subject + not + be + ing form of verb ....  .

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