Monday, September 1, 2014

Future Simple Tense

What is Future simple tense?

Future simple tense is used to talk about the future. When we decide to do something in the future, we use Future simple tense.
In Future simple tense, Will is always used. Will indicates that we are talking about the future.

Sentence Structure of Future Simple Tense:


Subject + will/shall + 1st f.o.v.
     I       + will/shall +  come.
    He    + will/shall  + go to school.
Subject + will/shall not + 1st f.o.v. 
     I       + will not           + go.
   He      + will not          + go to school.
Will/Shall + subject + 1st f.o.v.
     Will      + he         + come?
     Will      + she       + go to school

When will is used?

1. Will is used when we decide to do something now.
For example:
* "Who broke the window?" "I'll tell you. Salman broke the window."
* "Take him to the hospital, he is bleeding." "I'll talk him to the hospital."
     (He decides to take him to the hospital when he came to know, not before.)

2. Will is used when we believe or expect something to happen or not to happen in the future.
For example:
* It will rain tomorrow.
* He will come tomorrow.
* It will not rain today.

3. Will is used when you are sure to do something in the future or sure about something to happen in the future.
For example:
1. I'll call you tomorrow.
2. I'll miss you.
3. I'll go by bus.

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