Monday, September 1, 2014

assumption: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. (countable) something that is believed to be true , without any definite proof / [mafruzah / farz krdah (koi baat jise aap sach maante hon wagair kisi yaqini saboot k] / khayal]
2. (formal) the act of taking or beginning to have power, control, responsibility, etc. / [(ikhtiyar, zimmedari, mansab wagerah sambhalne ka amal)]

Example Sentences:
1. His theory is predicated on faulty assumptions.
2. Many scientific assumptions about Mars were wrong.

[Mars k mutalliq kai scientific mafruzaat/khayalat galt thay.]3. a correct/wrong assumption
4. the assumption of responsibility

Related Words:
assume: (verb)

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