Thursday, January 8, 2015

consequence: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. something that happens as a result or effect of something / [natija / anjaam / mahasil]
2. (uncountable, formal) importance or value / [manzilat / qadar / ehmiat]
3. of consequence: (formal) important / [ehmiat ka hamil]
4. of no consequence / of little consequence: (formal) not very important or valuable / [jo ehem na ho]
5. in consequence of something / as a consequence of something: (formal) as a result of something / [k ba'is / k sabab / k natije (natijay) may]

Example Sentences:
1. Don't worry. It's a matter of no consequence.
2. a man of consequence
3. He died as a consequence of a heart attack.
4. The consequences of the decision could be serious.

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