Wednesday, January 14, 2015

anticipate: Urdu meaning

#anticipate, #anticipates, #anticipating, #anticipated
Definitions: (verb)
1. to expect something / [ummeed hona] to think that something will or might happen in the future
2 . (formal) to do something before someone else does it
3. to guess what might happen in the future and be ready to deal with it / [andazah krna]

4. to think and be excited about something pleasant that is going to happen soon ; to look forward to something; expect
5. to accomplish or fulfill in advance  / [pura krna]

Example Sentences:
1. The children always anticipate a present from their grandmother when she visits their home. (5)
2. I don't anticipate any major changes in the team.
3. She's lucky to have someone caring for her who anticipates her wishes.
4. The movie is being eagerly anticipated the people. (5)

Related Entries
expect: (verb)

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