Friday, November 28, 2014

bandage: Urdu meaning

&bandage: (singular) &bandages: (plural)
patti / zakham patti
1.Definition: (noun)
1. a long, thin strip of cloth that is tied or wrapped around a wound or a part of the body that has been injured in order to protect and cover it

&bandage, &bandaging, &bandaged
patti baandhna  / zakham pr patti baandhna
2.Definition: (verb)
1. to tie or wrap a bandage around a wound or a part of the body that has been injured in order to protect it

1. The doctor bandaged my injured finger.
2. I noticed that she had a bandage on her finger.
3. a strip of bandage

Saturday, November 22, 2014

good: Urdu meaning

#good, #better, #best
Definitions: (adjective)
1. of a high standard or quality
2. able to do something well
3. enjoyable and pleasant
4. producing or likely to produce a pleasant or favorable result
5. correct or proper
6. suitable, convenient, or appropriate

Example Sentences:
1. We are good friends.
(Hum achay dost hain.)2. good manners (5)
3. She is a good teacher. (2)
(Woh ek achi teacher hy.)4. It's good day to go swimming. (6)
5. The food was good. (1)
(Khana acha tha.)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

sooner or later: Urdu meaning

#sooner or later
Definition: (idiom)
used to say that someone will or will have to do something, or that something will definitely happen at some time in the future, although you do not exactly know when it will happen but you are certain that it will happen / [aaj nhi to kal]

Example Sentences:
1. Sooner or later, you will have to tell her the truth.
(Aaj nhi to kal tumhe ussay sach batana hi parayga.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

frustrated: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adjective)
1. feeling annoyed, impatient, or less confident because of being unable to do or achieve what you want
2. unhappy because of lack of sex
3. unable to be successful in a particular type of career
4. (of an emotion) that you are unable to express
Example Sentences:
1. a frustrated writer
2. sexually frustrated
3. Are you getting frustrated in your new job?

Related Entries:frustration: (noun)

frustrate: (verb)

frustrate: Urdu meaning

#frustrate, #frustrates, #frustrating, #frustrated
Definitions: (verb)
1. to make someone feel impatient, annoyed, or less confident by preventing them from doing or achieving what they want
2. to prevent a plan, attempt, or effort from succeeding

Urdu Meanings:
nakaam banana / akarat krna / mehruum krna

Example Sentences:
1. The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad weather.
2. It frustrated me to miss so many games because of injuries.

Related Entries:

frustration: (noun)
frustrated: (adjective)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

oblige: (verb)

&oblige, &obliging, &obliged
lazim krna / paband krna / majbuur krna / ehsaan krna / khush krna / 
Definitions: (usually in passive)
1. to make someone legally or morally bound, or force to do something because it is required by law or it is a duty
2. to help someone by doing what they have asked you to do

1. Tell me what you want to know and I’ll see if I can oblige.
2. All the companies in Pakistan are obliged to pay a minimum wage of 12000 to their employees.
3. I'm obliged to you for dinner.
4. If you need any help, I'd be happy to oblige.

Related entries:

Sunday, November 2, 2014

happiness: Urdu meaning

the state of being happy / [khushi]
Example Sentences:

1. Her eyes were shining with happiness.
2. He struggled to find happiness in his life.

Related Entries:
happy: (adjective)
happily: (adverb)

happily: Urdu meaning

khushi se / khushi ki baat hy k.. / 
1. in a happy manner; with pleasure
2. fortunately; luckily
3. willingly
4. (formal) appropriately

Example Sentences:
1. Happily, no one was injured. (2)
2. I'll help happily, if you want me to. (3)
3. They are happily married with two young children. (1)
Related Entries:
happy: (adjective)
happiness: (noun)

suspicion: Urdu meaning

شک shak / شبہ shuba
Definitions: (noun)
1. a feeling or belief that someone is guilty of something wrong or illegal, or is involved in a crime or some dishonest activity, even though you don't have any proof
2. a feeling that something is probably true or likely to happen, especially something bad
3. a feeling that you do not trust someone or something
4. (formal) a very small amount of something

Example Sentences:
1. He gave a suspicion of a smile.
2. He is under suspicion of selling heroin.
3. I had a sneaking suspicion that they are going to succeed.
4. Strangers tend to be treated with suspicion.

Related Entries:
suspicious: (adjective)

suspiciously: (adverb)

suspicious: Urdu meaning

مشکوک mashkuuk / مشتبہ mushtabah / شکی shaki / شک شبہ کرنے والا shak o shuba krne wala
Definitions: (adjective)
1. feeling or believing without having any proof that someone has probably done something wrong or illegal, or is involved in a crime or some dishonest activity
2. making you feel that something is wrong or illegal
3. having doubt in mind and feeling that someone or something cannot be trusted

Example Sentences:
1. She was suspicious of his sudden death.
2. a suspicious look
3. She was suspicious of her motives.
4. They found a suspicious packet by the door.
5. She is very suspicious of strangers.
Related Entries:
suspect: (verb)
suspicion: (noun)
suspiciously: (adverb)

suspiciously: Urdu meaning

شک کے انداز میں shak k andaaz me / شکی انداز میں shaki andaaz me / مشتبہانداز میں mushtaba andaaz me / شک کے ساتھ shak k saath / مشکوکانداز میں mashkuuk andaaz me
Definitions: (adverb)
1. in a way that shows that you feel or believe that someone has done something wrong or illegal, or is involved in a crime or some dishonest activity
2. in a way that makes you think that something is wrong or that something wrong or illegal is happening
3. in a way that makes you think that there is something wrong with something

Example Sentences:
1. He looked at me suspiciously.
2. She eyed the coffee suspiciously.
3. She was behaving suspiciously.
4. "What are you doing here." They asked suspiciously.

Related Entries:
suspect: (verb)
suspicious: (adjective)
suspicion: (noun)

temporary: Urdu meaning

[عبوری uburi / عارضی aarzi / وقتی waqti (جو تھوڑی مدّت کہ لئے ہو jo thori muddat k liye ho]
1.Definitions: (adjective)
1. continuing or lasting for only a limited or short period of time
2. something that is intended to be used for a short or limited period of time


[uburi tor par / aarzi tor par / waqti tor par]
2.Definition: (adverb)
3. for a short or limited period of time

Example Sentences:
1. The Phone lines are temporarily dead. (3)
2. temporary workers (2)
3. a temporary job (1)

Related Entries:
permanent: (adjective)

weekly: Urdu meaning

Definition:1 (adjective)
1. happening, taking place, or done once a week or every week / hafta waar
2. published once every week / hafta waar
3. of or relating to a period of one week

Definition:2 (adverb)
4. once a week or every week / her hafte

Definition:3 (noun)
5. a newspaper or magazine that is published once every week

1. a weekly magazine (2)
2. a weekly newspaper (2)
3. weekly meetings (1)
4. weekly pay (3)
5. Our group meets weekly. (4)

curry: Urdu meaning

1. Definitions: (noun)
1. a type of dish consisting of meat and/or vegetables cooked in a spicy sauce, and usually eaten with rice or bread / [سالن salan / شوربا shorba]

#curry, #curries, #currying, #curried
2. Definitions: (verb)
1. to make curry out of meat or vegetables / [salan banana]
2. curry favor with (somebody): (idiom) to try to make someone like you or support you by praising or helping them, especially someone in authority, in a way that is not sincere, in order to gain advantage for yourself

Example Sentences:
1. chicken curry
2. He is always trying to curry favor with the boss.

Related Entries
curried: (adjective)
curry powder: (adjective)

throat: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. the space at the back of the mouth and inside the neck through which food and air can go / [gala]
2. the front part of a person's or animal's neck / [gala]

Example Sentences:
1. a sore throat
2. The curry is still burning my throat.

tiny: Urdu meaning

Definition: (adjective)
extremely small in amount or size / [chota / chotay chotay]

Example Sentences:
1. What are those tiny marks on your back?

(Tumhari peeth pr ye chotay chotay nishaanaat kis cheez k hain?)
2. a tiny baby

Saturday, November 1, 2014

slight: Urdu meaning (n)

Definitions: (noun)
1. a remark you make that someone takes as their insult / [tazleel / ahaanat]
2. an action that someone takes as their insult because you fail to pay attention to them or treat them with proper respect

Example Sentences:
1. The remark was not intended to be a slight on his character.

Related Entries:
slight: (verb)

slight: (adjective)
slighting: (adjective)
slightly: (adverb)

slighting: Urdu meaning

Definition: (adjective)
disrespectful; insulting / [pur haqaarat]

Example Sentences:

1. slighting remarks

Related Entries:
slight: (verb)
slight: (noun)
slight: (adjective)
slightly: (adverb)

slight: Urdu meaning (v)

#slight, #slights, slighting, #slighted
Definition: (verb)
(usually passive) to insult someone by treating them as unimportant or with disrespect 

Example Sentences:
1. I didn't mean to slight you.

Related Entries:
slight: (noun)
slight: (adjective)
slighting: (adjective)
slightly: (adverb)

slight: Urdu meaning (adj)

#slight, #slighter, #slightest
Definitions: (adjective)
1. very small in degree or amount / [halka]
2. (of people) thin and delicate, and not very strong or muscular / [dubla]
3. (formal) of little importance or consideration
4. not in the slightest: (idiom) not at all /

Example Sentences:
1. slight matters
2. a slight woman
3. a slight fever
4. Does it bother you? "Not in the slightest."

Related Entries:
slight: (verb)

slight: (noun)
slighting: (adjective)
slightly: (adverb)

whoever: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (pronoun)
1. any person who / [jo koi]
2. the person who / [jo koi]
3. no matter who / [jo koi bhi]
4. used in questions as an emphatic way of saying "who" to show that you are surprised or angry about something / [kisne / kon]
Example Sentences:
1. Whoever told you that?
2. Whoever did that will be punished.
3. Whoever wants to play with us is welcomed to join us.
4. I don't want to see them, whoever they are.