Friday, October 31, 2014

interfere with: Urdu meaning

#interfere with
Definitions: (phrasal verb)
1. interfere with someone: to touch a child in a sexual way
2. interfere with someone: to attempt to bribe or threaten a witness to give false information in court
3. interfere with something: to prevent something form succeeding, being done effectively, or from happening successfully / [ha'il hona]
4. interfere with something: to use, handle, or change something without permission so that it is damaged or no longer works correctly / [chhayr chhaar krna]
5. if something interferes with radio or television signals, it stops you from receiving clear sound or pictures

Example Sentences:
1. He is guilty of interfering with young boys.
2. He admitted interfering with a car.
3. Keep the TV volume low. It's interfering with my work.
4. The noise was interfering with my concentration.

Related Entries:
interfere: (verb)

interference: (noun)

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