Tuesday, September 16, 2014

youth: Urdu meaning

[جوانی jawaani / جوان jawan, نوجوان no'jawaan / نوعُمَری no'umri / نو عمر no umar]
Definitions: (noun)
1. (uncountable) the time of life when someone is young, the time when someone is not a child anymore nor an adult but between them
2. (uncountable) the state or quality of being young
3. (also the youth:) young people in general, both male and female
4. (countable) a young man
5. (uncountable) the time when something is new and not yet established

Example Sentences:
1. He spent his youth in Lahore. (1)
2. Two youths are suspected of the crime. (4)
3. The youth of Pakistan. (3)
4. He was attacked by a gang of youths. (4)
5. the youth of today (3)
6. The project is in its youth. (5)

7. two Kashmiri youths
[2 Kashmiri no jawan

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