Wednesday, September 17, 2014

yesterday: Urdu meaning

 kal / perso / kal (maazi, jo chala gaya)
1.Definitions: (noun)
1. the day before today /
2. the day before yesterday: two days ago (including the current day)
3. (also &yesterdays) the recent past 

kal, jo chala gaya (yeh batana k koi kaam kab huwa tha)
2.Definition: (adverb)
on the day before today

1. Yesterday was Monday. (1)
2. Are you reading today's newspaper? "No. I'm reading yesterday's newspaper. (1)
3. I met him the day before yesterday. (2)
4. the great players of yesterdays/yesterday (3)
5. It rained yesterday.
6. He died yesterday.
7. I phoned her yesterday morning.

Related entries:
today: (noun)
yesterday: (adjective)
tomorrow: (noun)

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