Saturday, September 13, 2014

moment: Urdu meaning

lamha, sa'at / is waqt / waqt / kuch hi dayr me 
Definitions: (noun)
1. a very short period of time
2. a particular exact point in time when something happens
3. a particular occasion in time; a time of importance or success
4. at the moment: now, at this present time
5. at this moment in time/at the present moment: now, at the present time
6. of (great) moment: important
7. any moment (now): very soon
8. a particular time when you have the opportunity to do something:
9. in a moment: soon

10. for the moment: used to say that something is true at this present time, but might not be true in future

Example Sentences:
1. Please wait for a moment.
2. I'll be back in a moment.
3. He is busy at the moment.

4. That was the happiest moment of my life.
5. Just wait a moment.
6. The moment
7. a decision of great moment
8. He played the shot at the right moment.
9. For the moment, they are playing very well.

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