Saturday, September 13, 2014

innocent: Urdu meaning


be'gunah / ma'asuum / jisne kuch galt na kiya ho / 
1.Definitions: (adjective)
1. not guilty of a crime; ( - guilty)
2. lacking experience or knowledge of the unpleasant or complex aspects of life, or the bad or evil things that happen in life, so that you are easily deceived (= naive)
3. not intended to harm, offend, or upset someone (= harmless)
4. a person who is injured, killed, or harmed in a war, crime, or conflict although they are not involved in it

2.Definition: (noun)
1. an innocent person, especially one who lacks experience and does not know about the unpleasant or complex aspects or life, or the bad or evil things that happen in life / [ma'asuum]

Example Sentences:
1. I believe he is innocent.
2. She was later found innocent.
3. an innocent remark
4. an innocent girl

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