Monday, September 15, 2014

fly: Urdu meaning

#fly, #flies, #flying, #flew, #flown
urna / urana / patand urana / jahaaz urana / jahaaz ka urna / 
Definitions: (verb)
1. when birds or insects fly, they use their wings to move through the air
2. when an aircraft, spacecraft, etc. flies, it moves through the air
3. to travel by plane
4. to operate and control the movements of an aircraft, spacecraft, etc. in the air
5. to transport people or goods by plane
6. to travel over an area of land or sea in an aircraft. 

7. to use a particular airline or travel in a particular class when you travel by plane
8. to cause a kite to fly or flat in the air
9. (of time) to pass swiftly
10. to move or go somewhere with a lot of speed or force
11. to move quickly and suddenly through the air
12. to move freely and loosely in the air
13. (of flags) to display in the air or cause to float in the air
14. to hit a ball high into the air
15. to escape

16. (informal) to be acceptable and successful

Example Sentences:

1. I like flying kites. / I like to fly kites.
2. Who was the first woman to fly an aircraft?
3. I saw a bird flying in the air.
4. I like to fly first class.
5. The guy had flown by the time the police arrived.
6. The door flew open and the man rushed out of the room.
7. Who was the first person to fly the Atlantic?
8. How time flies!
9. Helicopters are flying the injured to hospital.
10. I don't think the idea will fill.

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