Friday, September 12, 2014

desert: Urdu meaning

#desert, #deserts #deserting, #deserted
chor dena, (hamesha k liye) / chor dena  چھوڑ دینا / saath chor dena ساتھ چھوڑ دینا / terk kr dena  ترک کرنا دینا / bhaag jana بھاگ جانا]
1.Definitions: (verb)
1. to leave someone for ever and stop supporting or helping them, especially someone who is in a difficult situation or who needs you / [chor dena, (hamesha k liye)  چھوڑ دینا]
2. to go away from a place and leave it completely empty without intending to return 

3. to leave the armed forces without permission and without intending to return / [bhaag jana 
بھاگ جانا]
4. to no longer support, belong to, use, buy, or be involved with something  [
chor dena چھوڑ دینا]
5. if a particular quality or skill you have deserts you, you no longer have it, especially in a time of need / [
saath chor dena ساتھ چھوڑ دینا]

sehra صحرا / registaan ریگستان 
2.Definitions: (noun)
1. a large, hot area of land with little or no water or vegetation, that is usually covered with sand, and where the weather is always dry
2. a place where there is no activity or where there is nothing interesting; a boring, uninteresting, and dull place

Example Sentences:
1. She was deserted by her parents.
2. This city was a cultural desert at that time.

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