Tuesday, September 2, 2014

credit: Urdu meaning (noun)

1. arrangement with a shop, etc. to pay for goods or services at a later time
 / udhaar
2. money that you borrow from a bank on an agreement to pay back at a later time; a loan / udhaar
3. on credit: a promise to pay for something at a later time / udhaar pr
4. praise or approval for something you have done or achieved / sehra
5. an amount of money that is added to an account / 
1. I purchased a computer on credit.
2. We don't sell on credit.
3. The credit goes to the captain.
4. The course carries three credits.
5. At the end of the film we stayed towatch the credits.

Related entries:
credit: (verb)
credit card: (noun)
debit: (noun)

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