Tuesday, September 16, 2014

commit: Urdu meaning

#commit, #commits, #committing, #committed
Definitions: (verb)
1. to do something that is illegal or considered wrong / [jurm krna / jurm ka irtekaab krna / koi galt kaam krna]
2. commit something to paper: to write something down
3. commit something to memory: to learn something well enough to remember it perfectly
4. to officially order someone to be put in a hospital or prison
5. commit suicide: to deliberately kill yourself
6. to decide to use money or other available resources for a particular purpose
7. to say that you will definitely do something
8. be committed for trial: to send someone to be tried in a court of law
9. be committed to: to be in a long-term relationship
10. commit yourself to someone or something: to decide to have a permanent and serious relationship with; to give your loyalty, time, support, love, etc. to someone or something

Example Sentences:
1. I have committed many sins in my life.
[Mene apni zindagi me bohat se gunah kiye hain.]2. He has been committed to a mental hospital.
3. to commit a crime

[jurm ka irtekaab karna]4. She committed her ideas to paper.
5. The government must commit itself to improving the present education system.
6. My boyfriend is not ready to commit.

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