Tuesday, September 2, 2014

color: Urdu meaning (noun)

&color: (sin) &colors (pl)
Definitions: (also &colour (Br))
1. the appearance that something has as a result of the way in which it reflects light. Red, blue, and green are colors / rang
2. red, blue, yellow, green, brown, etc. or any other color
3. the use of all the colors, instead of black and white / rangeen
4. the color of a person's skin that shows which race they belong to / rang
5. if you have some color in your face, your face is pink or red, usually because you are healthy or embarrassed
1. What color is his pants?
2. What color is her hair?
3. a color television
4. He has some good color in his cheeks.
5. discrimination on the basis of race and color

Related entries:
color: (verb)

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