Monday, September 1, 2014

clean, cleaner, cleanest: (adjective) Urdu and English meaning

#clean, #cleaner, #cleanest
1. free from dirt or dust; not dirty / [saaf]
2. free from pollution, harmful or other dangerous substances
3. keeping oneself or one's surroundings clean
4. a clean sheet of paper has nothing written on it and not yet been used
5. (informal) not carrying anything illegal such as weapons or drugs
6. showing that you have not done anything illegal:
7. having a smooth or regular edge or surface
8. not referring to anything sexual or offensive
9. (informal) no longer using drugs

1. My shirt is clean. (not dirty)
2. Cats are very clean animals.
3. clean drinking water
4. The police searched her, but she was clean.
5. clean jokes
6. a clean contest
7. He has been clean for the last 2 months.

Related entries:

clean: (verb)

clean: (adverb)

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