Sunday, September 14, 2014

belief: Urdu meaning

emaan / yaqeen / kisi pr pukhta yaqeen k woh hy ya woh sach hy
Definitions: (noun)
1. a strong feeling of being sure that someone or something exists or is true
2. a strong feeling that something is good or right
3. one's trust or confidence in someone or something
4. something that you accept as true or right; a firmly held opinion about something
5. something that you believe, especially as part of your religion

Example Sentences:
1. I have a strong belief in Allah. (1)
2. He has a strong belief in his ability to pass the test. (3)
3. Do you have a belief in democracy. (2)
4. It is my belief that he is innocent. (4)
5. religious/political beliefs (5)

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