Sunday, September 14, 2014

behave: Urdu meaning

#behave, #behaves, #behaving, #behaved
Definitions: (verb)
1. to act in a particular way / [kisi trah ka bartao krna / kisi k saath kisi andaaz me pesh aana]
2. (also &behave yourself) to act in a way that is considered correct or polite : to behave in a proper manner/ [tameez se pesh aana / tameez se pesh aanay ko kehna / tameez me rehna]
3. to work, react, or function in a particular way / [kisi andaaz me kaam krna]

Example Sentences:
1. They behave very badly toward us. (1)
2. Sit down and behave yourself! (2)
3. The car behaves well in traffic. (3)
4. Why are you behaving like a child? (1)
5. The children behaved themselves all the day. (2)

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