Saturday, September 13, 2014

battery: Urdu meaning

Definitions: noun)
1. a small or large device that you fit into a clock, toy, radio , car, etc. to supply them with electricity and make them work
2. a large group of people or a series of things of a similar type that are arranged, connected, or used together; set
3. (law) the crime of causing physical harm to someone by hitting them; assault
4. a number of large guns or other weapons that are operated together at one place
5. (in baseball) the pitcher and catcher on a particular team
6. (adjective) a system of farming in which large numbers of chickens are kept in rows of small cages in order to obtain a large number of eggs

Example Sentences:
1. I think your car needs a new battery.
2. We give a battery of tests to each candidates.
3. a battery of questions
4. a battery of political supporters
5. a battery of marine artillery
6. battery farming

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