Saturday, September 13, 2014

ban: Urdu meaning

#ban, #bans, #banning, #banned
pabandi laga dena / mamnuu qaraar dena / kuch krne say mana kr dena
1.Definitions: (verb)
1. to say officially that something cannot be done, used, showed, seen, etc.
2. ban from: to say officially that someone is not allowed to do something or be a part of something

2.Definitions: (noun)
1. an official rule that states that people are not allowed to use, show, do or sell something / [pabandi]

Example Sentences:
1. The film was banned. (1.1)
2. He has been banned from international cricket. (1.2)
3. There is a ban on smoking inside the building. (2.1)
4. The product was banned in several countries. (1.1)
5. The ban on the cinema has been lifted. (2.1)

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