Saturday, September 13, 2014

balance: Urdu meaning

baqaya / tawazun / 
beech me latka huwa hona
1.Definitions: (noun)
1. a state in which different elements, aspects, etc. exist in equal, correct, or good amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance
2. the amount of money you have in your bank account
3. the remaining amount of money that you still owe after some payment has been made
4. the money that is returned to someone who has paid more than the actual amount to be paid
5. something that remains or is left over after some part has been used or spent
6. an instrument consisting of a bar and two dishes that hang from each end of the bar, used for weighing things
7. the ability to remain steady in an upright position with an equal amount of weight on each side of your body
8. the state in which all your weight is spread equally so that you do not fall
9. be/hang in the balance: in a condition where it is uncertain whether something will happen, continue, or whether the result of something will be good or bad
10. on balance: after having taken all the relevant facts and aspects into consideration
11. (throw/catch someone) off balance: to surprise someone or make them confused or upset by doing or saying something unexpected
12.a. be off balance: not steady or upright and likely to fall or be knocked down
12.b. (throw/knock someone/something) off balance: to cause someone or something to be unsteady and in danger of falling
13. strike a balance: to manage to find a way to give proper amount of importance and attention to two opposing things

&balance, &balancing, &balanced
tawazun rkhna
2.Definitions: (verb)
tawazun rkhna

1. He balanced on one foot for an hour.
2. Can you balance the book on your head?
1. He lost his balance and fell backward.
2. You can pay 1000 rupees now and the balance next month.

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