Monday, September 15, 2014

arrest: Urdu meaning

#arrest, #arrests, #arresting, #arrested
giraftaar krna / hirasat me lena / rokna / pakar lena
1.Definitions: (verb)
1. if the police arrest someone, they take the person into custody and take them to a police station because they have committed a crime or they are believed to be guilty of doing something illegal
2. (formal) to stop a process, movement, or development from continuing
3. (formal) to attract someone's attention because of being interesting or unusual

griftaari / 
2.Definitions: (noun)
1. the act of arresting someone
2. an occurrence in which a part of your body stops working
3. the act of stopping the development or progress of something, or the state of being stop

Example Sentences:
1. He was arrested for stealing a car.
2. A sudden noise arrested my attention.
3. The medics were unable to arrest the bleeding.
4. She got arrested for drinking and driving.
5. Doctors are trying to arrest the virus from spreading.
6. The patient died of cardiac arrest. (when his heart suddenly stopped working)

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