Wednesday, September 17, 2014

ahead: Urdu meaning

Definitions:  (adverb)
1. in advance, earlier, before / [aagay]
2. in a forward direction, straight on / [aagay / saamne ki traf]
3. in front of [aagay]
4. in the future  [aagay]
5. having progressed more, to be in a better position than someone else [aagay]6. in or into a more advantageous position  [aagay]

Example Sentences:
1. I look ahead. (2)
2. The bus moved ahead slowly. (2)
3. He is sure to go ahead. (4)
4. Pakistan is 100 runs ahead. (6)
5. You've got your whole life ahead of you. (4)
6. You go on ahead and tell them we're coming. (1)

7. The exist is straight ahead. (2)

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