Thursday, August 7, 2014

call: Urdu meaning

#call, #calls, #calling, #called
Definitions: (verb)
1. to make a telephone call to someone / [phone krna]
2. to describe someone or something in a particular way; to consider someone or something to be something / [kehna]
3. to give a particular name to someone or something, or to used a particular name or tile for someone
4. to ask or order to come quickly to a particular place by telephoning / [(phone kr k) bulana]
5. to ask or order someone to come / [bulana]

Example Sentences:
1. Someone call an ambulance! (4)
2. My name is Salman Khan but everyone calls me Sallu Bhai. (3)
3. He never even called after my father died. (1)
4. He called me a liar. (2)

Related Words:
call up: (phrasal verb)

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