Thursday, August 7, 2014

address: Urdu meaning (v)

#address, #address, #addressing, #addressed
Definitions: (verb)
1. 1. to write the name and address of the person or company on an envelope, parcel, etc. that you are sending it to be mailed / [naam our pata likhna]
2. to make a formal speech to a group of people / [khataab krna]
3. to speak directly to someone / [mukhatib kr k baat krna]
4. to use a particular name or title for someone when you speak or write to them / [kisi naam se mukhatib krna]
5. to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem / [tawajja dena]

Example Sentences:
1. Address the envelope correctly.
2. The president addressed the assembly.
3. You need to address the issue.

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