Sunday, August 3, 2014

activity: Urdu meaning

#activity, #activities
Definitions: (noun)
1. (uncountable, always in singular) a situation in which a lot of things are happening or being done / [chehel pehel, (bohat si cheezain ho rahi ho'n our log us mashguul ho'n)]
2. something that a group of people or an organization do in order to achieve a particular aim / [sirgarmi (kisi groh ya tanzeem ka kaam jo kisi maqsad ho hasil krne k liye kiya jaey)]
3. (countable) something that you do for enjoyment or pleasure; especially an organized event / [sirgarmi/ koi essi cheez jo tafreeh k liye ki jaey]

Example Sentences:
1. Playing football is one of his favorite activities. (3)
2. criminal activities (2)

[mujrimana sargarmiyan]3. political activities (2)
[siyasi sargarmiyan]4. economic activity (1)

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