Thursday, August 7, 2014

act, acting, acted: (verb) Urdu and English meaning

#act, #acting, #acted
kaarwai krna / harkatayn krna / bartao krna/ kirdaar ada krna / ada'kaari krna/ fara'iz anjaam dena / qa'im muqaami krna
1. to do something for a particular purpose or to deal with a problem
2. to behave in a particular way that is unusual or annoying
3. if you act in a play, you pretend to be one of the people in it
4. to do the work of a particular kind of person or thing: to perform a certain function or role

1. Doctors acted quickly to save the girl's life.
2. Stop acting like a child!
3. He acted as if nothing had happened.
4. He has never acted in a movie before.
5. I'm acting as his secretary.

Related Entries:action: (noun)

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