Wednesday, July 2, 2014

see: Urdu meaning

#see, #seeing, #saw, #seen
1. (not in progressive tenses) to notice or become aware of someone/something using your eyes / [dekhna]
2. to visit someone or to have a meeting with someone / [milna]
3. to understand or realize something / [samjhna]
4. to be able to use your eyes to notice and recognize things; to have the power of sight / [dekh pana]
5. to watch something such as a game, a movie, etc. / [dekhna]
6. to go with someone and take them somewhere, especially where they want to / [kisi ko kaheen chorna]
7. to consider someone or something in a particular way
8. to visit a place
9. to meet someone by accident / [kisi ko achanak dekh lena]

Example Sentences:
1. See you tomorrow. (2)
2. What do you see? "I see stars in the sky." (1)
3. My father saw me home. (5)
4. I saw a movie last night.
5. I saw Salman at the party. (8)
6. She will never see again. (4)

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