Monday, July 14, 2014

remember: Urdu meaning

#remember, #remembers, #remembered
Definitions: (verb) (not used in continuous tenses)
1. to have or keep an image of something or someone in your mind from the past such as an event, a person, a place, etc. / [yaad hona]
2. to bring information or facts that you knew before into your mind / [yaad rkhna, krna]
3. to not forget doing something that you should/must do / [(ye/woh krna) yaad rkhna / na bhuulna]

Example Sentences:
1. I don't remember when we met first. (1)
2. Try to remember where did you see him last? (2)
3. Remember that this is your last chance. (2)
4. I remember my first day at work. (1)
5. Remember to bring a notebook with you.

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