Friday, July 11, 2014

mind: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. the part of a person that helps them to think, feel, understand, or remember / [zehen]
2. (countable) your intelligence and ability to think and reason, or the ability to remember things 
/ [zehen]
3. (countable) a particular way of thinking as part of your character 
/ [soch]
4. (countable) a very intelligent person, especially in a particular thing
5. (countable) your thoughts or attention

Example Sentence:
1. What's in your mind? (1)
2. Sorry, your name has slipped my mind. (2)
3. He has a brilliant mind. (2)
4. He has a very suspicious mind. (3)
5. Where is your mind? (5)

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