Friday, July 11, 2014

involve: Urdu meaning

#involve, #involves, #involving, #involved
Definitions: (verb)
1. if an activity or a situation involves something, that thing is a necessary part or consequences of it / [shamil hona]
2. if a situation or an activity involves someone or something, they are affected by it / [shamil hona]
3. to take part in something, especially in a crime / [mulawwis hona]
4. to cause to take part in something or ask to take part in something / [shamil krna / milana]

Example Sentence:
1. He was involved in the crime. (3)
2. Don't involve me in your quarrel.  (4)
3. The investigation involved many innocent people. (1)
4. My job involves a lot of travelling. (1)
5. Two cars were involved in the crash. (2)

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