Saturday, July 12, 2014

hear: Urdu meaning

#hear, #hears, #hearing, #heard
Definitions: (verb)

1.  (not used in  continuous tensesto perceive a sound by using your ears / [sunna, sunai dena]
2. (not used in continuous tenses)  to listen or pay attention to what is being said, etc. [sunna]3. (not usually used in the continuous tenses)  be told by others about something4. ( of a court case) to listen to and make a judgment [case sunna / case wagerah ki sunai krna]

Example Sentences:
1. What do you hear? " I hear your voice." (1)
2. Did you hear something? (1)
3. Did you hear his speech? (2)
4. The court heard his case. (4)

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