Monday, August 31, 2015

hang in there: Urdu meaning

#hang in there (also #hang on in there)
Definition: (idiom)
used to tell someone to not give up and continue doing something even though it is difficult; be hopeful / [(kisi ka hosla berhane k liye kehna k) himmat rakho / hosla rakho / sabhar rakho]

Example Sentences:
1. We can still win the match. Just hang in there!

Friday, August 28, 2015

talk over: Urdu meaning

#talk something over #talk over something
to discuss a problem, situation, etc. with someone / [kisi maslay, suurtehal, wagerah pr baat krna]

Example Sentences:
1. We spent hours talking over the details of the plan.
2. I need to talk it over with my parents.

temper: Urdu meaning

1. Definitions:
1. the ​tendency to ​become ​angry very ​quickly; if someone has a temper, they become angry very easily / [مزاج mizaaj]
2. an extremely angry state of mind; anger; rage / [غصہ gussa]
3. the way you are feeling at a particular time

2. Idioms & Phrases
1. #to lose your temper: to become very angry / [dimagh garam ho jana / gussa aa jana / dimagh ghuum jana]

Example Sentences:
1. The man has a bad/hot/quick/terrible/violent temper. (1.1)
2. In a fit of temper, he stomped out the door. (1. 2)
3. I was in a bad temper last night. (feeling angry) (1.3)

4. He doesn't listen to others when he is in a temper. (1.2)
5. Please leave before I lose my temper! (2.1)
6. She seems to be in a good temper. (feeling cheerful) (1.3)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

dawn: Urdu meaning

1. the time of day when sunlight first begins to appear in the sky, just before the sun rises / [ صُبحَ سَويرے subh saweray/ fajar فجر / tulu e subh طلوع صبح / tulu طلوع] 
2. the beginning or first appearance of something / [ آغاز agaaz / shuruaat / ابتدا ibtida]

Example Sentences:
1. He arrived at dawn. (1)
2. the dawn of civilization (2)

eager: Urdu meaning

1. having or showing keen interest, impatient desire for something that is going to happen, or for something that you want to do or have, especially something interesting or enjoyable / [بیقرار be'qarar / شوقین shoqeen / شائق sha'iq / مشتاق mushtaaq ]
2. If you look or sound eager, you look or sound as if you expect something interesting or enjoyable to happen.

Example Sentences:
1. The crowd was eager for the game to start.

invoke: Urdu meaning

#invoke, #invokes, #invoking, #invoked
Definitions: (verb)
1. to ask help from someone who is more powerful than you, especially a God / [dua krna دعا کرنا / دُعا مانگنا / madad k liye pukaarna] (synonym: call on)

Example Sentences:
1. "Indeed, those whom you call upon/invoke besides Allah are servants like you. So call upon them and let them respond to you, if you should be truthful". (The Holy Quran 7:194)
(Jinhain tum Allah k ilawah pukaarte ho wo tumhari trah k banday hain. So tum inho pukaro agar sachay ho to chahiye k wo tum ko jawaab bhi dain.")
2. "And that the mosques are for Allah , so do not invoke with Allah anyone". (The Holy Quran 72:18)
(Our ye k Masjidain Allah k liye hain, pss Allah k saath kisi ko (anyone) na pukaro.)

misplace: Urdu meaning

#misplace, #misplaces, #misplacing, #misplaced
to put (something) in the wrong place, esp to lose (something) temporarily by forgetting where you put it (syn: mislay) / [kaheen rkh kr bhuul jana / galt jaga rkhna our phir phuul jana k kahan rkha tha / be thikanay rkhna / ghuma dena]

Example Sentences:
1. I seem to have misplaced my keys last night.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

resignation: Urdu meaning

1. [استعفٰی istefa]

regardless: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adverb)
1. without regard for, or in spite of, objections, difficulties, etc.; anyway / [(is baat k) bawajuud]
2. #regardless of: without being influenced or effected by something / [قطع نظر qata'a nazar / bila lihaaz (kisi baat ka lihaaz na rakhte huway)]

Example Sentences with "regardless"
1. It was raining, but we went for a walk regardless. [=anyway] (1)
2. The job is open to all, regardless of age, sex, or religion. (2)

Saturday, August 22, 2015

eliminate: Urdu meaning

#eliminate, #eliminates, #eliminating, #eliminated
1. to get rid of; to remove completely / [ختم کر دینا khatam krna]
2. [hazaf krna / kharij krna / nikaal dena]

Example Sentences:
1. Police says that target-killing and extortion have been almost eliminated from the city. (1)

rise: Urdu meaning

on the rise: (phrase) becoming greater or more numerous; increasing / [uruuj pr hona / ye kehna k kisi cheez me bohat izafa ho raha hy]

Example Sentences:
1. Complaints against extortion are on the rise in Karachi.

alleged: Urdu meaning

Definition: (adjective)
a claim or statement that is alleged hasn't been proven true — if you're an alleged murderer, you've been accused but not convicted / [مبینہ mubaiyina]

Example Sentences:
1. Police killed three alleged criminals in two separate encounters.
2. NA-122 alleged rigging case

Related Entries:
allege: (verb)
allegation: (noun)

Friday, August 21, 2015

fault: Urdu meaning

#fault, #faults
Definitions: (noun)
1. [غلطی galati]
2. [khaami] (synonym: shortcoming)
3. [kharabi]
4. at fault: [galati pr hona]

Example Sentences:
1. Do you think it's my fault? (1)
[Kiya tumhe lagta hai meri galati hai?]
2. For all his faults (= in spite of his faults), he was a good friend of mine. (2)
3. a technical fault (3)
4. The bus driver was at fault. (4)

Related Entries:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

adopt: Urdu meaning

#adopt, #adopts, #adopting, #adopted
1. [گود لینا god lena]
2. [اپنانا apnana]
3. [اختیار کرنا ikhtiyaar krna]
4. to accept by voting

Example Sentences:
1. They finally decided to adopt a baby girl. (1)
2. We need to adopt a different strategy to deal with the situation. (2)

Related Entries:
adoption: (noun)

relatively: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adverb)
1. In a relative manner; in comparison to something else / [نِسبتاً nisbatan]
Example Sentences:
1. The patient's condition is relatively better but still critical.
2. The book was relatively easy. (as compared to the other book)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

imprison: Urdu meaning

#imprison, #imprisons, #imprisoning, #imprisoned
1. to put someone in prison as a punishment / [قید کرنا qayd krna / حراست میں لے لینا hirasat me lelena]
2. to put someone in a place from which they cannot escape / [قید کرنا qayd krna ]

Example Sentences:
1. He was imprisoned for murder.

Related Entries:
imprisonment: (noun)

imprisonment: Urdu meaning

1. the punishment of being put into prison, or the state of being in prison / [قید qayd]
2. the state of being in a place from which you cannot escape / [قید qayd]

Example Sentences:
1. The accused can face two years' imprisonment.

Related Entries:
imprison: (verb)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

detach: Urdu meaning

#detach, #detaches, #detaching, #detached
1. to separate something from something else that it is attached to / [الگ کرنا alag krna / علیحدہ کرنا alehdah krna]
2. to become detached from something / [alag ho jana / alehdah ho jana]

Example Sentences:
1. British High Commissioner (HC), Adam Thomson has said that UK police have received countless complaints against MQM chief Altaf Hussain for his remarks about detaching Karachi from Pakistan. (1)

countless: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
too many to be counted : very many / [ بے شمار be'shumar / ان گنت an ginat, jise gina na ja sakay]

Example Sentences:
1. British High Commissioner (HC), Adam Thomson has said that UK police have received countless complaints against MQM chief Altaf Hussain for his remarks about detaching Karachi from Pakistan.

Friday, August 14, 2015

sorry: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adjective)
1. "sorry" or "I'm sorry" used as a way of apologizing to someone for something you have done which has affected them, caused them difficulties, etc. / [ye kehna k aapne jo kiya us pr aap sharmindah hain our muafi chahate hain]

Example Sentences:
1. I'm sorry for being late. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

further: Urdu meaning

1. in addition; furthermore (use to add more information) / [مزید mazeed]

Example Sentences:
1. He further said that.....
(Usne mazeed kaha k....)

inaccurate: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adjective)
not exact or correct : having mistakes or errors / [ غلَط galt / غیر صیحح gayr sahih / jo galt ho, ya sahih na ho]

Example Sentences:
1. inaccurate information

Related Entries:
accurate: (adjective)
accurately: (adverb)

vacate: Urdu meaning

#vacate, #vacates, #vacating, #vacated
Definitions: (verb)
1. to leave a seat, room, etc. so that it is available for somebody else to use / [خالی کر دینا  khali kr dena]
2. to leave a job or position so that it is available for somebody else to do / [(nokri ya koi ohdah) چھوڑ دینا  chor dena / khali kr dena]

Example Sentences:
1. Armed men forcefully vacated a passenger bus and set it on fire.
2. Employees were asked to vacate the building when the fire alarm went off.

Related Entries:

vacancy: (noun)
vacant: (adjective)

former: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adjective)
[سابق saabiq, jis k pass maazi me koi ohda ya muqaam tha]

Example Sentences:
1. former test captain
[sabiq test captan]

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

ministry: Urdu meaning

#ministry, #ministries
a government department headed by a minister that deals with a particular thing or area of activity, such as health or education / [وزارت wazarat]

Example Sentences:
1. the Ministry of Defence

minister: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. (also #Minister) an official in charge of a government department / [وزیر wazeer]
2. an official who represents their government in a foreign country, but who is lower in rank than an ambassador

Example Sentences:
1. the interior minister
2. the Minister of/for Education

Monday, August 10, 2015

interior: Urdu meaning

1.Definitions: (noun)
1. the inside part of something / [(kisi cheez ka) andruuni hissa ]
2. the interior: (singular) the central part of a country or continent that is furthest away from the coast
3. the interior: (singular) the internal affairs of a country that involve the country itself rather than those that involve other countries, or the department that that deals with these affairs /
[امور داخلی umuur e dakhla / ملک کے داخلی امور dakhli umuur / ya, idara baraey umuur e dakhla]

2.Definitions: (adjective)
1. of, relating to, or located on the inside of something / [اندرونی andruuni]
2. relating to a country's internal affairs : a country's interior minister, ministry, or department deals with affairs within that country instead of affairs that involve other countries / [wazeer e dakhla]

Example Sentences:
1. the Ministry of the interior (1.3)
(wazarat e dakhla)
2. an interior minister (2.2)
(wazeer e dakhla)
3. interior walls (2.1)
(andruuni deewarain)

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

threat: Urdu meaning

1. [دھمکی dhamki]

draw: Urdu meaning

#draw, #draws, #drawing, #drew, #drawn
Definitions: (verb)
1. to make pictures, diagrams, patterns, or lines using a pencil, pen, or chalk / [banana [pencil, pen, ya chalk se tasweer wagerah banana]
2. to take out a weapon in order to attack / [nikaalna (pistol, talwaar, wagerah hamla krne k liye nikalna)]

Example Sentences:
1. She drew a tree. (1)
2. He drew his pistol and shot himself. (2)

heaven: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. (also #Heaven, used without 'the') / [جنت jannat, بہشت bahisht]
2. the heavens: (plural, literary) the sky / [آسمان aasmaan]

Example Sentences:
1. Indeed, from Allah nothing is hidden in the earth nor in the heavens. (2) (The Holy Quran 3:5)

collapse: Urdu meaning

#collapse, #collapses, #collapsing, #collapsed
1. [kisi emarat wagerah ka ڈھیر ہوجانا dhayr ho jana / ek dam se gir jana / منہدم ہوجانا munhadam ho jana]
2. [کمزوری سے گر جانا kamzori ya bimari ki waja se gir jana]
3. [keematon ka kmm ho jana / keematon ka neechay aa jana]

Example Sentences:
1. The bridge collapsed under the weight of the traffic. (1)
2. He collapsed and broke his leg.

origin: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. (also #origins) [ ابتدا ibtida / نقطہ آغاز nuqta e aagaaz / asal / jahaan se kisi cheez ki ibtida huwi ho ya jahaan se uska aagaaz huwa ho]

Example Sentences:
1. the origin of life on earth

Monday, August 3, 2015

fake: Urdu meaning

#fake, #fakes, #faking, #faked
1.Definitions: (verb)
1. to pretend to have a feeling, emotion, illness, etc. /  [natak krna (dhoka dene ki garz se)]

2.Definitions: (adjective)
1. [جعلی jaali]
2. [نقلی naqli / banawati]
3. [chuuti / jaali / banawati]

#fake, #fakes
3.Definitions: (noun)
1. [jaali]
2. [ جعلساز jaalsaaz] / [دھوکےباز dhokay baaz]

Example Sentences:
1. a fake passport (2.2)
2. a fake mustache (2.2)
3. fake blood (2.2)

4. a fake smile (2.3)
5. Those tickets were fake. (2.1)
6. Later on, she was exposed as a fake. (3.2)
7. He faked a heart attack. (1.1)

Related Entries:
real: (opposite)

Saturday, August 1, 2015

expel: Urdu meaning

#expel, #expels, #expelled
[nikaal dena / kisi ko school ya kisi idaray se hamesha k liye nikaal bahar krna]
1. to force someone to leave a school, organization, club, etc.; to kick someone out of a social club, school or other group officially
2. to force someone to leave a place, etc.
3. to expel air or water: to force something out from a container or from your body.  

Example Sentences:
1. I got expelled from school.
2. Suspected foreigners were expelled from the country.
3. He was expelled from the school for misbehaving.
4. First, took a deep breath, and then expel the air in short blasts.

value: Urdu meaning

#value, #values, #valued
Definitions: (verb)
1. to consider important / [قدر کرنا qadar krna / قابل قدر سمجھنا qabil e qadar samjhna]
2. (usually passive) to decide how much money something is worth : to estimate/calculate the worth of something / [قیمت لگانا qeemat lagana]

Example Sentences:
1. We should value our time.
2. The house was valued at Rs. 1000,000.

hunger: Urdu meaning

1. the feeling you have when you need to eat / [بُھوک bhuuk (khana khane ki zarurat pr peda hone wala ehsaas)]
2. [بُھوک bhuuk (aysi halat jis me log khane ki kami ki waja se bimaar pr jatay ya halak ho jatay hain)]
3. hunger (for something): a strong need or desire for something / [بُھوک bhuuk (شدید خواہش kisi cheez ki shadeed khuwaish)]
Example Sentences:
1. was enough to satisfy my hunger (1)
2. Thousands of people die of hunger every year. (2)
3. his hunger for success (3)