Wednesday, April 22, 2015

turn out: Urdu and English meaning

#turn out

Definition: (verb)
1. to be discovered to be something; to prove to be the case [ nikalna / sabit hona ]

Example Sentences:
1. The story turned out to be true.

demand: Urdu meaning

#demand, #demands, #demanding #demanded
Definitions: (verb)
1. to ask for something in a very forceful way : to say in a forceful way that something must be done or be given to you because you think you have a right to it [ mutaalba krna ]

Example Sentences:
1. He demanded that his salary be increased.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

condition: Urdu meaning

Definition: (noun)
1. [حالت  halat]
2. [halat (kisi shaks ya janwar ki jismani halat, matlab ye k uski tabiyat kesi hy)]
2. [شرط shart, koi baat jese pura krna lazmi ho ya jis ka hona lazmi ho]
3. conditions: (plural) / [حالات halaat]

Example Sentences:
1. The bike is in excellent condition. (1)
2. The patient's condition is relatively better but still critical. (2)
3. Terms and Conditions apply. (3)
(Shara'it o zawabit lagu hain.)
4. changing economic conditions (4)

critical: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adjective)
1. if someone is critical or in a critical condition, they are extremely ill or injured and are at risk of death / [نازک naazuk / تشويش ناک tashweesh naak (halat)]

Example Sentences:
1. She is still in critical condition. (She is still critical.) (1)
2. The patient's condition is relatively better but still critical. (1)

Monday, April 20, 2015

inhabitant: Urdu and English meaning


a person or an animal that lives in a particular place [kisi jaga rehne wala / mukeen / bashindah / muqeem]

Example Sentences:
1. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women."

womb: Urdu and English meaning


Definition: (noun)
the inside part of a woman's or female animal's body in which babies develop before they are born (= uterus) [raham رحم / bachchah daani بچہ دانی ]

Sunday, April 19, 2015

go away: Urdu meaning

#go away #went away #gone away
1. to leave a person or place / [kaheen se chalay jana]
2. to leave your home for a period of time and spend time somewhere else, especially for a holiday

Example Sentences:
1. Go away and don't disturb me.
2. We are going away on holiday.

naked: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (adjective)
1. not wearing any clothes : not having any clothes on the body or part of the body : (bare) [nanga / barhana'h / aryaa'n]
2. (of an object) used to describe something that does not have its usual covering : (bare) [ nanga / nangi ]

Example Sentences:
1. The man was half naked. (1)
2. naked shoulders (1)
3. a naked sword (2)

Related Entries:
bare: (adjective)
nude: (adjective)

cobbler: Urdu and English meaning

#cobbler #cobblers

1. (old-fashioned) a person whose job is to repair shoes, boots, or sandals / [mochi]
2. (uncountable) cobblers: nonsense

Example Sentences:
1. an awful load of old cobblers (2)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

farm: Urdu and English meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. an area of land, including its buildings, used for growing crops and/or keeping animals usually as a business / [kheyt, farm کھيت ۔ فارم زمين کا قطعہ جو فصلوں اور جانوروں کے ليے مخصوص ہو]
2. a place where particular types of animals or fish are bred and kept in large numbers in order to be sold
3. (=farmhouse) the main house on a farm where the farmer  lives

Example Sentences:
1. farm animals
2. a sheep farm (2)
3. My grandfather is a farmer. He raises cows on his farm. (3)


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

specifically: Urdu and English meaning

Definitions: (adverb)
1. relating to or intended for one particular person, group of people, thing or purpose only / [khaas kr / bil khasuus]
2. in an exact and detailed way [khaas kr]

Example Sentences:
1. The car is designed specifically for 6 people.
2. I specifically asked you to be on time. 

Related Entries:
specific: (adjective)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

doubt, doubting, doubted: Urdu and English meaning

#doubt, #doubting, #doubted
Definitions: (verb)

1. to think that something may not be true, or is unlikely. If you doubt whether something is true or possible, you think it is probably not true or possible. / [shaq krna / shaq hona]
2. to feel uncertain about something; to think that something will probably not happen / [shaq hona k koi baat hogi ya nhi hogi / aysa lagna k shayad koi cheez na ho/waqay na ho]

3. to lack confidence in someone or something / [shaq hona] 
4. to not trust or believe someone / [shaq krna]

Example Sentences: 
1. I have no reason to doubt him. (4)
2. No one doubts your abilities. (3)
3. Is it going to rain? "I doubt it. It's been sunny all day." (3)
4. I doubt that these pants will fit me. (2)

Friday, April 3, 2015

wear: Urdu meaning

#wear, #wearing, #wore, #worn
Definitions: (verb)
1. to have something such a shirt, pants, jewellery, etc. on your body or part of your body as clothing, decoration, or protection [ pehenna / pehne huway hona ]
2. to use or have something on your body [ pehenna ]

Example Sentences:
1. She always wears a watch when she goes out. (2)
2. What size shirt do you wear? (1)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

always: Urdu and English meaning

Definitions: (adverb)
1. at all times : on every occasion [ hamesha ]
2. forever  / [ hamesha ]

3. if you say that something is always happening, or someone is always doing something, you mean that it happens, or they do it repeatedly, usually in a way that annoys you / [ hamesha / her waqt ]

Example Sentences:
1. She is always late. (1)
2. The baby is always crying. (3)
3. I'll always miss him. (2)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

pear: Urdu meaning

a sweet fruit with a yellowish-green or brownish-green skin that has a round base and is narrow near the stem [naashpati]

apricot: Urdu meaning

1. a small, round, soft fruit with an
orange-yellow skin and has a large seed
inside / [zardalu زرد آلو / khubaani  خوبانی]
2. a yellowish-orange colour

watermelon: Urdu meaning

Definition: (noun)
a large, round or oval-shaped fruit that 
has hard, dark green skin, red or pink 
juicy flesh, and black seeds / [tarbooz تربُوز]