Tuesday, December 30, 2014

all of a sudden: (idiom) Urdu and English meaning

#all of a sudden
happening or occurring without warning or unexpectedly: suddenly / [ek dam/dum se]

Example Sentences:
1. It started to rain all of a sudden.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

carry out: Urdu meaning

#carry (something) out | #carry out (something)
Definitions: (phrasal verb)
1. to do what you have been asked to do or something that you have said you would do / [tameel krna]
2. to do and complete a particular task, a particular piece of work, etc. / [chalana / krna]

Example Sentences:
1. He failed to carry out the orders.
2. Doctors are carrying out a research on the medicine.

Friday, December 12, 2014

privatize: privatization: Urdu meaning

#privatize, #privatizing, #privatized  (#privatise: in Br)
1.Definition: (verb)
if a government privatizes an industry, a business, etc. that it owns and controls, it sells it so that it becomes a private business / (- nationalize) [niji milkiat me dena / nijs milkiat me dena]

#privatization (#privatisation: in Br)
2.Definitions: (noun)
the act of privatizing a company, service, industry, etc. / [nijkaari]

Example Sentences:
1. The government is planning to privatize electricity and water. (1)

Related Entries:
nationalize: (opposite)

nationalize: nationalization: Urdu meaning

#nationalize, #nationalizing, #nationalized (Br #nationlise)
1.Definitions: (verb)
if a government nationalizes a private company or industry, it takes control of the company or industry and becomes its owner. / [ sarkari milkiat me lena / qomi milkiat me lene]

#nationalization (Br #nationalisation)
2.Definitions: (noun)
the act of nationalizing a large company or industry; the act of putting a large company or industry under the control and/or ownership of a government / [qomi tehweel me lene ka amal / qomyanah]

Example Sentences:
1. The government nationalized the company in 1980.
2. a nationalized industry

Related Entries:
privatize: (opposite)

conformity: Urdu and English meaning (noun)

English Definitions:
1. behavior that follows the socially accepted standards, conventions, or rules of a society or group, or is the same as the behavior of most other people of the society or group
2. (British) compliance with the practices of the Church of England
3. correspondence in form, manner, or character
4. in conformity with something: according to the rules, laws, or standards of something, or what is required by someone

Urdu Meanings:
1. ita'at / tameel /  mutaabqat / mushaabahat /muwafit / muwaafqat

Example Sentences:
1. Employees must act in conformity with the office rules.
2. religious conformity

Related Entries:
conform: (verb)
conformist: (noun, adjective)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

conform, conforming, conformed: Urdu and English meaning (verb)

#conform, #conforming, #conformed
English Definitions:
1. to act in accordance with the established standards, norms, practices, etc. of a group or society that you belong to
2. conform to/with: to comply wit a rule, law, standard, etc.
3. conform to: to be or become similar in form, nature, character, or appearance

Urdu Meanings:
k mutabiq hona / kisi k muwafiq hona ya banana / mutabiq krna

1. I found it very difficult in the beginning to conform to the strict rules of the military academy. (1)
2. The hotel doesn't conform to local regulations. (2)
3. There is considerable pressure on teenagers to conform. (1)
4. Your dress must conform to the office regulations. (2)

Related Entries:
conformist: (noun, adjective)

conformist: Urdu and English meaning (noun)

#conformist: (sin) #conformists: (pl)
1. noun: a person who conforms; a person who behaves in the same way as most other people of the group or society they belong to, often used to show disapproval / riwayat parast aadmi / muqallid
2. adjective: of a conforming character or nature

Related Entries:
conform: (verb)
conformity: (noun)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

dimension: Urdu meaning

#dimension, #dimensions,
lambai, chorai, motai, ya gehrai, raqbah / hajam / tol o arz / 
Definitions: (noun)
1. a measurement of the length, height, width, or depth of something
2. (usually plural) the size and extent of a situation or problem to which it is difficult or serious
3. scope
4. a part or aspect of a situation, especially when it influences the way you loot at or think about something

Example Sentences:
1. a problem of considerable dimensions
2. We measured the dimensions of the room.
3. Teaching profession has added a new dimension to my life.

Monday, December 8, 2014

reinforce, reinforcing, reinforced: Urdu and English meaning

#reinforce, #reinforcing, #reinforced
English Definitions: (verb)
1. to give support to an idea or opinion
2. to make a feeling, situation, or process stronger
3. to make a building, wall, structure, piece of clothing, etc. stronger by adding more support or material to it
4. to strengthen a group of people, especially an army by providing it with more soldiers, weapons, or equipment, or to make a position or place stronger in this way

Urdu Meanings:
mazbuut banana / mazbuut krna / 

Example Sentences:
1. The wall had been reinforced with exterior beams.
2. The news reinforced her hopes.
3. The captain sent out another squad to reinforce the troops.

Related entries:
reinforcement: (noun)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

innovator: Urdu and English meaning

#innovator: (sin) #innovators: (pl)
Definition: (noun)
someone who introduces new things, ideas, or ways of doing something / nai eejaad nikaalne wala / biddati

1. He is regarded as a great innovator in the field of art.

Related entries:
innovate: (verb)

innovate: Urdu meaning

#innovate, #innovates, #innovating, #innovated
Definition: (verb)
to bring something new to something; to introduce changes and new ideas into something and start to use them / [bid'at krna, nikaalna / koi nai cheez shamil kr k tabdeel krna / eejaad krna]

Example Sentences:
1. The company is going to innovate a new mobile phone.

Related Entries:
innovator: (noun)

trustee: (noun)

&trustee: (singular) &trustees: (plural)
English Definitions:
1. a person or organization that has been given responsibility for managing and looking after money and/or property that has been put into a trust for somebody
2. a member of a group of people who are given the responsibility to control the financial affairs of an organization, hospital, etc.

Urdu Meanings:
ameen / amanat daar / muwali (matwali)

1. the school's board of trustees

shortcoming: Urdu meaning

#shortcoming, #shortcomings
Definitions: (noun)
1. a fault or weakness in someone's character; defect / [khaami]
2. a fault or weakness in a system, plan, etc. that makes it less effective; defect [khaami]

Example Sentences:
1. I am well aware of my own shortcomings.
2. The mobile phone has many shortcomings.
3. The only shortcoming of the mobile phone is that it has low quality camera.

unsecured: (adjective)

English Definitions:
1. an unsecured loan or debt is one for which the person who has lent the money has no right to take something valuable from the borrower, if they cannot pay the money back2. not firmly fastened, closed, or secured, or not protected against rick, danger, or loss

Urdu Meanings:
gayr mehfuuz / gayr mustehkam

evolution: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (uncountable)
1. (biology) the scientific idea that living things gradually develop and change over a long period of time
2. (biology) a process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during which plants, animals, etc. slowly change some of their physical characteristics
3. a process during which something develops and changes into a different and usually more complex or better form

Urdu Meanings:
irtiqa / tashkeel / taraqqi

Example Sentences:
1. the evolution of Greek civilization
2. Darwin's theory of evolution
3. the evolution of science and technology

Saturday, December 6, 2014

persistently: (adverb)

English Definitions:
1. happening repeatedly or for a long time
2. doing something in a determined but often unreasonable way, even though it is difficult or other people are against it

Urdu Meanings:
mustaqil mizaji se /  istaqlaal se / 

Example Sentences:
1. He has persistently denied the charges. (2)
2. persistently high inflation (1)

Related Entries:
persistent: (adjective)

persistent: (adjective)

English Definitions:
1. Someone who is persistent continues doing something in a determined but often unreasonable way, even though it is difficult or other people are against it.
2. continuing to exist or happen for a long period of time, or repeated frequently, especially in a way that is unusual, undesirable, or beyond normal time
Urdu Meanings:
1. sabit qadam / ko kisi baat pr data huwa ho
2. mustaqil

1. persistent rain (2)
2. I'm suffering from a persistent headache. (2)
3. If he hadn't been so persistent she might not have gotten the job. (1)

Related Entries:
persistently: (adverb)

pursuit: Urdu meaning

[جستجو justaju / تلاش talaash / کہوج khoj / تعاقب ta'aqqub /مشغلہ mashgala / شغل shugal / husool]
Definitions: (noun)
1. (uncountable) a determined attempt that you make in order to achieve, find, or get something
2. (uncountable) all the things that you do when you are carrying out an activity or plan
3. (uncountable) the act of following or chasing someone or something in order to catch them
4. (countable, usually plural) an activity that you enjoy and spend time doing, and that you do as a hobby, usually when you are not working

Example Sentences:
1. I like hiking, riding, and other outdoor pursuits. (4)
2. He worked day and night in pursuit of his dreams. (1)

[....khuwabon k husool k liye.]
3. the pursuit of happiness (1)
4. The Police were in pursuit of a car that had been reported stolen. (3)

exclude: Urdu meaning

#exclude, #excluding, #excluded
1. to intentionally not include something in what you are doing or considering / [nikaal dena / shamil na krna]
2. to prevent someone or something from entering a place or being a part of something / [nikaal dena / kharij kr dena]
3. to expel a child from school temporarily or permanently as a punishment / [school se nikaal dena / kharij kr dena]
4. to decide that something is not possible, true, or worth considering / [kharij kr dena]

Example Sentences:
1. The bad results were excluded from the report. (1)
2. You cannot exclude the possibility of a fall in shares prices. (4)
3. He was excluded from the competition. (2)
4. The boy has been excluded from school for bad behavior. (3)

Related Words:
include: (verb)

mankind: Urdu meaning

Definitions: (noun)
1. all human beings considered as a group, including both men and women; humankind; the human race
2. men collectively, as opposed to womankind

Urdu Meanings:
bani nu insaan / bani aadam / nuay insaani / 

Example Sentences:
1. The future of mankind is at stake.
2. In the history of mankind....

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

kill two birds with one stone: Urdu meaning

#kill two birds with one stone
Definition: (idiom)
If someone kills two birds with one stone, they achieve two things with one action., to do two things with one action
 / [ek teer se do shikaar]

Example Sentences:
1. He kills two birds with one stone by walking to work. It saves him money travelling and helps him to lose weight.

Most Common English Idioms And Phrases

Here are most commonly used English idioms and phrases:

1. actions speak louder than words:
This expression means that what someone does is more important than what they say.

2. (to cost) an arm and a leg:
If something costs you an arm and a leg, it costs you a lot of money., to be very expensive

3. beat around the bush / beat about the bush:
to talk about something indirectly without coming to the meain point, often deliberately

4. a blessing in disguise:
used to describe something that at first seems bad, but results in something very 
good in the end

5. don't judge a book by its cover:
used to say that one should not form an opinion about someone or something based on a brief impression or outward appearance

6. every cloud has a silver lining:
used to say that every bad or unpleasant situation has some good aspect to it

7. kill two birds with one stone:
If someone kills two birds with one stone, they achieve two things with one action., to do two things with one action

8. once in a blue moon:
used to describe something that happens very rarely
Example Sentence:
My elder brother lives in Australia. I only get to see him once in a blue moon, because it’s very expensive to fly there.

9. piece of cake:
If something is a piece of cake, it is very easy to do or achieve.
Example Sentence:

The Exam was a piece of cake.

10. speak/talk of the devil!:
used when the person you were just or are talking about arrives unexpectedly

11. steal someone's thunder:
to take the credit and praise for something that someone else has done

12. taste of your own medicine:
used to describe something bad that is done to someone in response to what they did to someone else in order to teach them a lesson

13. pull a rabbit out of a hat:
to do something unexpected that may have seemed impossible

14. get out of hand:
when you lose control of things, they get out of hand
Example Sentence:

The party got out of hand and the guests started to throw bottles at each other.

15. hang in there:
used to tell someone to wait and be patient

16. let the chips fall where they may:
to let something happen, no matter what happens next

17. freak out:
to become very angry, scared or excited

18. hit the books:
to study hard
Example sentence:

Do you want to come out tonight?
"I can’t. I have to hit the books because I have a big test tomorrow."

19. when pigs fly:
used to say that something will never happen

20. around the clock:
If something is open around the clock, it means it is open 24 hours a day.

21. ahead of time:
If something happens ahead of time, it happens early, before the set time, or with time to spare.

22. just in time / in the nick of time:
If you do something just in time, or just in the nick of time, you do it just before it is too late.
Example Sentence:
I got to the bus stop just in the nick of time and jumped on the bus just as it was leaving.

23. on time:
This means to not be late, arrive at the right time.
Example Sentence:
The buses here are never on time, it’s so annoying!

24. out of time:
This means there is no time left to do something. The time limit or deadline has been reached.

25. time is money:
This expression means that your time is a valuable commodity, so use it wisely because it could be used to earn money.

26. time for a change:
This expression means to stop what you are doing and start doing something different with your life.
Example Sentence:
Are you looking for a new job? Yes, it's time for a change.

27. here today, gone tomorrow:
If you sat that something, such as money, happiness, and other desirable things, are here today, gone tomorrow, you mean that they do not last for very long but only for a short time

28. like there is no tomorrow:
to do something fast or energetically without thinking carefully as if there would never be another opportunity

29. from now on:
from this moment until some unknown time in the future
Example Sentence:From now on, I will be much more careful when I decide to trust someone.

30. it's high time:
You can say this when you think something should have been done already, and is overdue.

31. now or never (it's now or never):
used to say that something has to be done now because there will be no second chance
Example Sentence:
Go and propose her. It's now or never, she is leaving the country.

32. only time will tell:
This means that you can't predict how a thing will happen or what an outcome will be. The answer to a question, or the outcome of a situation, will only reveal itself with the passage of time. For instance, will Pakistan win the world-cup? Only time will tell.

33. time heals all wounds / time is a great healer:
The expression means that as time passes by, all the feelings of emotional hurt and pain will eventually pass away.

34. too much (free) time on one's hands:
If you have too much (free) time on your hands, you have too much free time, and not enough things to do

35. in due course:
This means everything will happen as it is supposed to, at the appropriate time.
36. around the corner:
used to describe something that will happen very soon

37. a roof over your head:
used to mean a place to live
Example Sentence:
He was so poor that he didn't have a roof over his head.

38. love at first sight:
If someone fall in love with someone the first time they see them, it is described as love at first sight.

39. all's fair in love and war:
behavior that is unpleasant or not fair is acceptable during an argument or competition.

40. an eye for an eye:
(also, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.)
something that you say which means that if someone does something wrong to someone , they should be punished by having the same thing done to them

41. apple of somebody's eye:
said about someone whom you love the most and you are very proud of
Example Sentence:
His son is the apple of his eye.

42. have money to burn:
If you say that someone has money to burn, you mean that they spend a lot of money on unnecessary things.
Example Sentence:
We need to shop wisely. We don't have money to burn.

43. money talks:
The expression 'money talks' suggests that with money people can do or get whatever they want.

44. the ball is in your court:
If you say that the ball is in someone's court, you mean that it is up to them to make the next decision or step.
Example Sentence: "The seller has offered us the house for $250,000; the ball is in our court. What should we do?"

45. over the moon:
extremely pleased and happy

46. couch potato:
used to describe a person who is very lazy and who watches too much TV

47. raining cats and dogs:
pouring, raining very heavily
Example Sentence:Where are you going, can’t you see it’s raining cats and dogs?

48. fall in love with someone:
If you fall in love with someone, you start to feel sexual attraction towards them and start to have feeling of love towards them.
Example Sentence:He has fallen in love with her.

49. blind date:
A blind date is one when two people who have never seen each other before going on a date.

50. cut class / play hooky / skip class:
If someone cut class, they miss a class without permission.

Monday, December 1, 2014

sting: Urdu meaning

#sting, #stings, #stinging, #stung
1. [dang maarna / jab koi keera aapko dang marta hy ya aap ko koi kaanta chubh jata hy to aap ko dard mehsuus hota hy our kabhi kabhi is se zakham bhi ho jata hy]

Example Sentences:
1. Be careful of the bees, they sting!